Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I can't believe it's been almost a year....

I'm an awful blogger. It's been almost a year since I've blogged. I'm going to make myself start blogging more. I love looking back at the blog and reading all the little things the kids have said and done. I'm also going to try to go back through and blog for the past year. It's 12:30 am right now, so I'm just going to give quick updates on the kids but will go into more detail later. Brenna is 5! She just finished up preschool and will go to kindergarten in the fall. She's still her sweet and kind self. She loves to learn and is always asking questions. She started dance last fall and is VERY good. She is still the most amazing big sister, and she would do anything for him. Collier is now 3! And he is wild and crazy, but has sweet little moments. We call him our sour patch kid. He is a mama's boy. He still loves toy story. He wants to do everything that sissy does. He can be very ornery to her, but can also be protective of her. He can be very paticular about how things are done. And he let's you know if you did it the wrong way! He's just a fun little boy. More tomorrow!