Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pictures Galore!!

We made a gingerbread village.

Bubby helping with the gingerbread house. He has purple frosting on his face. :)

One of the houses in the village.

Sprinkle time!

The finished product. Yes, I'm aware its extremely ghetto!

Bubs sleeping.

Sissy sleeping!

Posing while decorating the tree.


Laughing! :)

What Mom?!?!? Can't I eat the ornament?!?!

Decorating the tree!

B decorating!

Bundling up to play outside!

She said this was her house, and she was hiding.

Brenna wrote her name. (Her's is the bottom one). She getting really good at writing her letters.

Wyatt shoveling the driveway and Brenna playing.

Burr...its cold!

Outside again.

Again....outside in the cold.

A snowman B made by herself. I cut out the parts but she did the gluing. I think its looks pretty awesome!

Lola in the snow!

The girl's in the snow!

Mad about something....lol!

I have been trying to post pics for quite awhile, but for some reason blogger does not want to cooperate. But these are some cute ones! I'll post more later....well..when blogger works right for me! ;)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Picture

Well.....the plan was to post a BUNCH of pictures, but the blog isn't cooperating. SOOOO....this is a sneak peak. We took the kiddos to see Santa and get a pic. Brenna was pretty excited and Bubby was kind of like "Who the heck is this?!?!?" Hopefully there will be more pics to come! :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Disney On Ice and The Christmas Tree!

On the 4th we took Brenna to Disney on Ice. We also took her last January and our hoping that this becomes a tradition. This time is was perferct for Brenna because it was the Disney Princesses....a.k.a.......Brenna's DREAM come true...lol! It was a lot of fun and Brenna even dressed for the occasion. She wore her yellow Belle dress, shoes, and crown. The show started with Jasmine then went to Mulan, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Belle, Snow White, and ended with Cinderella. At some point in the show all of the Princesses waved at her and some even said hi! Anastasia, Cinderella's step-sister even came over and sat by us! Brenna really enjoyed the show and was in HEAVEN!

~A big thanks to Aunt Katie for watching Bubby for us that night!

We also put up our Christmas tree about a week ago. Brenna was very confused when we pulled out the little tree. She wanted a big one! So of course we hopped in the car and went and bought a bigger tree. We came home and decorated. Brenna loved decorating and Bubby loved trying to eat everything! ;) The kids don't do to bad with the tree. Collier likes to crawl buy and snag an ornament and Brenna likes to redecorate it. Brenna really like pointing out her ornaments....she's very proud!

I hope to post pics of the last two weeks tomorrow, the laptop cord is still broken. :( I keep saying I'm going to order another one and I forget...imagine that! I have some cute pics of the Bubby, Christmas craft time, Disney on Ice, the first winter snow, and decorating the tree! :)

Oh....big news for ME! I am DONE with college!! Woohoo!! I haven't exactly had the easiest "college life" so I'm glad to be done and very proud of myself. When I got pregnant with Brenna my sophmore year a lot of people told me I wouldn't finish. Well....they must not know me very well because I don't give up! Plus, I had another child and had gall bladder surgery in the middle of a semester! I'm hoping that this shows my children that with hard work and determination you cand do anything!

I'm not sure what life has in store for me. I would like to put off working for a couple more months. I would like Bubby to be a little older, but this is dependant on Wyatt getting a job. He is testing for a job right now and if he gets this job I would probably just work part-time at a bank or something. So we should know in the next month if he gets this job. If he doesn't I will start the job hunt. I have already sent my resume out to a couple places...so we shall see. I'm kind of scared, kind of excited, and kind of lost. I'm sure we'll figure it out in the next couple months.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Collier is 8 months!!!

I can't believe it!! Technically this is a day early.

I know I just posted about Collier so a lot of this is going to be a repeat. But here goes!

Weight: 17lbs 14oz. Not sure on the height.

~Still has just 2 teeth.
~Collier is officially talking! He can say Dada!
~He has learned how to clap!
~He is "walking" ;) with the assistance of a the walker pushing toy. Obviously he's not really walking but its still cute!
~He can climb the stairs.
~His balance is getting there. He can let go of the furniture for a couple seconds before he falls. ~His falls are also controlled now. Before he would let go and just fall directly back and hit his head. Now he lets go and falls down to a crawling position.

As I said before he is eating three meals a day and usually just eats what we are having. He's starting to get sick of the cheerios though. He loves cereal bars. cold cereal, fruit.....well really he just loves everything! He is still breast feeding. He probably nurses 10 times a day. He also gets usually at least one formula bottle a day.

He takes about 2-3 naps a day. Usually a morning one like around 10, another around 1, and then another around 4 or 5. Bedtime has is around 8 or 9. We don't have a definite sleep schedule so it varies. He still wakes at night quite a bit. I think he just knows I'm there and wants the comfort of breast feeding. Wyatt is going to start giving him a water bottle at night and see how he does. If he's actually hungry it won't work but if he just wants the comfort of sucking it should do the job. It worked last night, I didn't nurse him at all in the middle of the night. We're playing this by ear though since we don't know how much milk he is really getting during the day. But I'm hoping this will encourage him to eat during the day! He still cosleeps the majority of the night. Which is fine. We love cuddling! :)

He is def. wearing 6-9 month clothing. I think by January he will be wearing 12 month. I need to hurry up and get the use at the 6-9 clothes...haha! He is wearing size 4 diapers, but I think 3 would still fit. The 4 are a little big.

He is no longer a paci baby. He gave that up right after he turned 7 months. Which is funny because B gave it up at the same time. I'm going to buy him some sippy cups and try to start him on those. Hopefully, he'll catch on to holding them pretty soon since he's not really use to holding bottles.

He doesn't really play with baby toys to much. He likes the big toys. His favorites are the leap frog table, musical chair, and the drop and roar dinosaur. He also still likes his swings as long as Daddy puts him in it. He doesn't like it when Mommy does it. He also still likes the jumperoo.

He is really starting to show is personality. Which is ornery! He loves to bug his Sister. He has even started pulling her hair. Today we were doing one of her activity books and he wouldn't leave her alone for anything. Brenna asked why he was bothering her, and I told her that was his job...lol! That's just what litte brothers do. He also has a "temper". I have learned his "mad" cry. Which happens quite often because he thinks he should be able to do whatever he wants. But he is also still a sweet little boy that loves to cuddle. He has also started to show interest in cartoons. He will watch them and get very dazed on them. B never did this! These 8 months have been amazing and I can't believe my baby boy is going to be 1 in 4 months. :(