Thursday, December 17, 2009

Disney On Ice and The Christmas Tree!

On the 4th we took Brenna to Disney on Ice. We also took her last January and our hoping that this becomes a tradition. This time is was perferct for Brenna because it was the Disney Princesses....a.k.a.......Brenna's DREAM come! It was a lot of fun and Brenna even dressed for the occasion. She wore her yellow Belle dress, shoes, and crown. The show started with Jasmine then went to Mulan, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Belle, Snow White, and ended with Cinderella. At some point in the show all of the Princesses waved at her and some even said hi! Anastasia, Cinderella's step-sister even came over and sat by us! Brenna really enjoyed the show and was in HEAVEN!

~A big thanks to Aunt Katie for watching Bubby for us that night!

We also put up our Christmas tree about a week ago. Brenna was very confused when we pulled out the little tree. She wanted a big one! So of course we hopped in the car and went and bought a bigger tree. We came home and decorated. Brenna loved decorating and Bubby loved trying to eat everything! ;) The kids don't do to bad with the tree. Collier likes to crawl buy and snag an ornament and Brenna likes to redecorate it. Brenna really like pointing out her ornaments....she's very proud!

I hope to post pics of the last two weeks tomorrow, the laptop cord is still broken. :( I keep saying I'm going to order another one and I forget...imagine that! I have some cute pics of the Bubby, Christmas craft time, Disney on Ice, the first winter snow, and decorating the tree! :)

Oh....big news for ME! I am DONE with college!! Woohoo!! I haven't exactly had the easiest "college life" so I'm glad to be done and very proud of myself. When I got pregnant with Brenna my sophmore year a lot of people told me I wouldn't finish. Well....they must not know me very well because I don't give up! Plus, I had another child and had gall bladder surgery in the middle of a semester! I'm hoping that this shows my children that with hard work and determination you cand do anything!

I'm not sure what life has in store for me. I would like to put off working for a couple more months. I would like Bubby to be a little older, but this is dependant on Wyatt getting a job. He is testing for a job right now and if he gets this job I would probably just work part-time at a bank or something. So we should know in the next month if he gets this job. If he doesn't I will start the job hunt. I have already sent my resume out to a couple we shall see. I'm kind of scared, kind of excited, and kind of lost. I'm sure we'll figure it out in the next couple months.

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