Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lots of blogging to catch up on!

Geez...I've gotten behind on this. I still need to blog about the 4th, Collin's birthday, and the fair. My goal is to get it it done this weekend. I figured if I wrote this on here, I would HAVE to get my butt in gear and get the blogging done.:-)

So....look for some new blog posts this weekend! :-)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Am I a good mother?

This is a question I ask myself everyday.

Some days I with out a doubt say, "Yes, I'm a great mother!"

Some days, like today, I am defeated and I say....no.

I love to read blogs. I love reading my friend's blogs and seeing the great pictures and hearing the fun stories. I also will read blogs of people that I have no idea who they are. Sometimes these blogs are about children who have passed away, and how the family is coping. Or the blog might be about people who lost their infant child, or their life with a terminally ill child. These blogs are....heartbreaking blogs. Blogs that make me bawl my eyes out and subsequently question my parenting.

I am so blessed to have healthy children. I would like to think that I never take my children for granted. But I suppose I do. Well..I guess I don't take my children for granted, but I do take their health for granted. Having healthy children isn't a given. I wish it was.

So when I read these blogs, the guilt of having a healthy child sets in. I think of these parents and know that they would give ANYTHING to hold or hug their child again. Or to see them smile or hear their laugh. And then I wonder did I hug my children enough today, did I enjoy their laughter, and share kisses with them. How many times did I read to them? Did I yell at them? Did I take the time to listen to Brenna's silly stories or cuddle with Collier. Was I a good Mom? Was I a good enough mom for these amazing children?

I just hope that my kids know how I truly love them. My love for them is unexplainable. And they will only truly understand this love when they have children. All parents know that this love can not be explained or understood, it can only be felt.

I just hope my children always know how proud I am to be their mom. I am truly enjoying every minute of this crazy ride, and I hope they are too! I hope they look back on the childhood and have great memories. I hope I'm teaching them great things, and showing them how to be a great person. I hope they're proud of me. I hope they think I was a good mother...well shoot..the best mother. :-)

These songs sum up how I feel!

Brett Dennen - The One Who Loves You the Most

The Beatles- In my life

Dixie Chicks- Lullaby

For Collier:
Dixie Chicks- Godspeed

For Brenna:
Taylor Swift-Best Days
(I know Taylor wrote this for her mom, but it reminds me so much of Brenna!)

This post may have made no sense, but I felt it was important to write, and I feel the guilt subsiding. All I can do is to cherish these little babies every day.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Growing, Growing, Growing!

These kiddos are growing way to fast!! (I know I say that all the time, but its true!)

Collier turned 15 months last Saturday. He continues to be a very busy little boy! Some of his favorite things are to play (spill)in the dog food and water, put things in the toliet, throw things in the garbage, dig in the garbage! Can you say ornery!?!? He's a little beast! He also really likes playing with his blocks, balls (toy balls, but granted he likes playing with himself too ;-), the shopping cart, and wagon. He is obsessed with giving the animals kisses. He pretty much strangles them, holds them down, and "kisses" them.

Some nights he will sleep though the night, but he almost always comes to bed for cuddles. And like I've said before I really don't mind. He still weighs 22lbs which is what he's weighed for the last 5 months. He has grown in height so I'm not really worried about it. He's very attached to his blanket and sippy cup. When he's tired he grabs the two and comes to you whining. Very cute! He is also sitting on the potty, he hasn't gone in the potty yet, we're just working on getting comfortable with the potty. Which I think we've accomplished that since he has to get on the potty every time he's in the bathroom.

Now on to Miss Brenna! Brenna will be 4 in 3.5 months! :( How did this happen?!?!

She has been learning so much! Right now she is really focused on letters and sounds. She can write:


She's also really interested in letter sounds and phonics. When she's talking she'll say "M-M-M-Mom, what are you d-d-d-oing?" LOL! It kind of sounds like stuttering, but I know that she's just sounding the words out. And then she'll say doing starts with D! Or Mom starts with M!

She continues to love everything Minnie! The Princesses are still some of her favorites too! She loves helping me cook and do laundry. She also likes to help clean, but it better be "fun" cleaning and not asking her to pick up her toys.

She's really enjoys learning and her little brain just gobbles everything up right now! She's also really into music! She can tell you who sings any song, as long as its by a girl! Taylor continues to be her favorite, but she likes Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, and Kellie Pickler too!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Niabi Zoo

The day after we went to the sprinker park, we went to the zoo! Our friend Sam had free tickets for the "In the Wild" Festival, and she invited us to go! We had a blast even though it was one of the hottest days ever! Not only did we get to see all the animals but there was also games, firetrucks, and bounce houses for the kids. It was a lot of fun! :-)

Collier's favorite part for sure was feeding the fish, ducks, and goats! He laughed and laughed when the goat licked his hands! He also loved the ducks and swans. I was so nervous they were going to bite him, but they just nibbled.;-) Brenna is always a fan of the petting zoo and the pony rides.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sprinkler Park!

A couple weeks ago, we went to the sprinkler part with Sam, Jeremy, and Maddy! It was so much fun, and is now on our list of summer activities! I had no idea the sprinkler park was even there, glad Sam told me about it. Brenna absolutely loved it, and of course Collier was cautious. When we're at home he's out of control, but when were in unfamiliar environments he can be very leary and clingly. But he did play some, and some of the time he just wanted to sit with me. All 3 kids LOVED the popsices....lol...never would of guessed that. ;-)

Enjoy the pictures!