Saturday, September 26, 2009

Brenna Funny

Yesterday we went with my Mimi to the foot doctor. Mimi is diabetic and has been having trouble with her feet for the last couple months. She often tells Brenna that she has been to the foot doctor and Brenna always says that she wants to meet her doctor. So..we decided to go with her! While we were there the doctor wanted to listen to Mimi's foot with a doppler. Basically, its the same thing that doctors use to listen to a babies heartbeat while in the womb. So the doctor was listening to it and found the pulse and Brenna had the weirdest look on face. She had confusion written all over her face. She then said "Does Mimi have a baby in her foot?!?!?" HAHAHA We all just started busting up laughing. I of course told her know and tried to explain to her that, that was Mimi's heartbeat. SO CUTE!! :)

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