Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm still here.

So...I know I kind of abandoned the blog for the summer, but I have still been "blogging" just not on the! So forgive me this post is basically going to be a recap of the summer. Some of it will be stats, stories, or just general information. Some of it you might know already but I'm keeping this blog for the kids so I want all the info to be it. Got it? Great!

So lets start with Miss B!

In exactly 1 month, I will have a three year old daughter. Its hard to believe that! People always say that you better treasure the time you have with your kids because before you know it they are all grown up. And that is the truth! I still remember being pregnant with Brenna and imagining what she would be like as a little girl. I never could have imagined she would be as amazing as she is.

This summer she spent a lot of time playing with her best friend Ray-Ray. She loved going over and playing on Ray's new swing set and "swimming" in his pool. She also continued going to preschool and on September 1st she moved to the Dolphin room, which is the real preschool room. She also started going 3 days a week which I think has been good for her. The first day was a little rough because she missed her turtle friends, but she is doing great now! Her teacher adores her and she told me that she thinks Brenna is the sweetest little girl ever! :) Brenna also go to spend quite a bit of time with her cousin Collin this summer. She loves telling people that she has 2 cousins and they are her best friends.

Brenna also has an "idol" and that would be Taylor Swift! She loves her and refers to her as her girl! We probably watch her videos 20 times a day. Brenna will even act out the videos and sing the parts of the songs she knows. She has a little microphone too! Of course Wyatt and I find this amazing! She loves wearing princess dresses and 90% of the time she has one on (while were at home). The dresses have become extremely tattered but she continues to wear them. She is quite the fashionista. She loves to pick out her own clothes and she changes all the time.

These are some funny little things she said over the summer that I thought to write down.

The other day Brenna asked me to read the book Are You My Mother? (It’s a really cute book about this baby bird that is going around trying to find his mommy.) I told Brenna that I would read the book in a little bit. Then I hear in the sweetest little voice, “Hi Cow! Are you my mommy? No you’re a cow.” “Hi kitty! Are you my mommy? No you’re a kitty.” (For those who don’t know the book, she was paraphrasing the book…she had remembered the words from when I had read it to her…SOOOO CUTE! I was so proud of her! Geez…I sure do love her. 

* 7/11/2009
Wyatt and I were watching CNN and President Obama was giving a speech. Out of the blue Brenna said, “That’s Obama!” HAHA..yes it! You obviously know who we support and Mommy must watch a little too much CNN.

Getting Brenna ready for school can be a hassle…she thinks she is the boss and that she knows WAY more than mommy. So this was our conversation as I was trying to get her ready for school.

Me: B are you ready to get dressed for school.
B: No..I’m fine.
Me: No. We have to get dressed.
B: No, Mommy. I’m fine, I wear my jammas to school.
Me: (laughing because she is so funny) No Brenna we only wear our jammas to sleep in. We wear our normal clothes for school.
B: Why?
Me: (Laughing) Well….because jammas our only for bedtime.
B: But why?
Me: (laughing) because I said so (yes I pulled the because I said so…I couldn’t think of anything else to say…lol)

July 26
I had just got out of the shower and Brenna hit my butt and said “Momma, you big butt!” HAHAH! Thanks, dear. Mommy knows she has a big butt. Then she said “Momma, you big legs!” “I have baby legs.” I think that’s a sign to lose some weight…haha.

Brenna often tells me that I’m a good momma. It’s so cute. I’ll get her a snack or something like that and she will tell me “Thank you Momma. You’re a good momma!” Isn’t she a sweetheart? She also has no problem telling her that you hurt her feelings. If you don't give her a snack or if you won't let her watch cartoons, then your mean and you hurt her feelings. She is pretty good about laying guilt trips on you.

She also says "Why?" all the time. She says it to the point I feel like I could pull my hair out. I try to give her logical answers but it gets to the point where there is no more logical answers...she doesn't care though. She wants to know Why! lol

She loves horses. There are some horses, goats, and llamas just down the road from us and she makes us drive by them all the down. She always tells us that she wants to see the “orsies”. She then asks us to buy her a baby orsie or baby goat. She gets upset when we tell her we can't get one. So cute. She likes to point out the baby, mommy, and daddy goats or horses.

She also LOVES her brother so much. She actually tells him all the time "I Love you so much"! She loves talking "baby talk" to him. Not sure where she learned that because we don't talk baby talk. She loves trying to tickle him and entertain him. She is very helpful and loves helping with diaper changes or bath time. All around she is a just a great big sister, and she takes that title very seriously she always tells people "I'm big sister", "thats my baby brother".

On to the little man, Collier Wayne!

Here's some little stats:

At his 4 month check up he weighed 14lbs and 5oz and was 23 inches long. He was 2lbs bigger then B was at that age.

July 6- He rolled over belly to back
July 24- He rolled over back to belly
In the last couple weeks (at 5 months old he has started crawling everywhere!)

Like I said he crawls everywhere! He loves to go in the playroom and "play" with Brenna. He is def. a little carpet picker. The floor can be spotless and he manages to find the little piece of lint that he can shove in his mouth. He also is at the stage where he loves to play with his feet, which I have to say is one of the cutest things. He wakes up a lot and pretty much eats all night, so no sleep for Momma. He is still a big Momma's boy but he has become more accepting of his dad. Aka...he doesn't scream every time his dad holds him. He takes 2-3 naps a day and bedtime is around 8:30. He is still breastfeeding and is not on any solids. He does like to chew on those biter cookies. He has tried cereal and was not a fan. He enjoys watching cartoons with! 90% of time he loves his sister, but when she starts getting in his face he screams. He is such a little cuddler and we love having our little bubby. :)

I'll post pics of the summer in the next couple days.

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