Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some pictures and what we've been up too!

The kiddos have been doing really good and we've all been enjoying the beautiful weather! Wyatt is still working at GPC but we are almost 100% he will be going back to Allsteel by the end of the summer. This is great news! The hours are rough at GPC and he struggles to get sleep when he's working nights. So, hopefully soon he will be back at Allsteel.

I'm also doing great! I got an A in my second class at Ashford, so I'm still maintaining a 4.0. I also lost 25lbs and 20+ inches (I'm still losing inches) on the HCG diet. I'm now into phase 3 where you are suppose to maintain your new weight and I'm doing really well with that. I'm planning on continuing the diet in July after my maintiance phase is done. I'm really trying to have a better balance of "wife"/mother/student, and so far I'm doing good. I never have enough time, but what mother does?

Okay..enough about us...lets get to the kiddos! :-)

My children amaze me everyday with how much their learning and the funny things they say and/or do.

Brenna is still doing great in school. I am so GLAD we enrolled her in school so early. We saw 2 of her friends at walmart/grocery store last week, and she was SO excited. You would have thought we saw Santa Claus. She also got her first pedicure and manicure in the last week, and she saw her first movie (Shrek forever after) last Friday. She loved the mani/pedi, and it was nice to spend some girl time with her and Mimi. She did AWESOME at the movies. We purposelly went to an early showing, so there would be less people. She had her restless moments and forgot that you weren't suppose to talk, but all in all she did great.

Some funnies from B in the last week:

Conversation I had when I picked her up from school.
Me: Brenna, did you play outside today.
B: Yes...its was SO, SO, hot outside. It's like 7 degrees out here. (It actually was 95 that

Brenna: Mom what are you doing?
Me: Nothing, just on the computer.
Brenna: Are you doing facebook or homework? lol!

I was talking on the phone and Brenna kept trying to talk to me and finally I said WHAT?!?! Brenna: I just love you mom
Me: (feeling a little guilty) awww....sweetie I love you too!
Brenna: Did you know it's "Love day".
Me: I love you everyday
Brenna: I love you everyday too, cuz you're my Mom.
**Love her so much, she's so sweet!**

Today I took her for a bike ride and we were getting ready to go down her Grandma's road, and she said, c'mon Mom let's go see Wyatt's mom. haha....okie dokie sweetie.

Collier.....this boy wears me out. He is go, go, go...ALL day. He is almost 14 months and still weighs about 22 lbs and is about 30 inches tall. He's pretty much in all 24 month clothing. He is talking so much. He probably says "Mom" 200 times a day. He follows me everywhere I go. He wants to be with me 24/7......a little Momma's boy! He loves strawberries and would probably eat a whole carton a day if I'd let him. He also has a funny little grunt he does when he wants something, almost sounds like a monkey. Some new words are cheese and kiss. My mom said he said bite and me the other day, but I have yet to hear it. He's also been saying Na-Na a lot. I can't quite figure out what it means. Maybe night-night? He loves to "drive" his red car and "talk" on the phone. He's also obsessed with brushing his teeth. Everytime he goes to the bathroom he thinks he needs to brush his teeth. He's just growing and growing and is more toddler than baby. :(

Time for the pictures!

I was taking some pictures of Bubby, and of course Miss B had to get in on the action.

He loves going in the kennel with Lola.

He kept getting right up in the camera, saying "Cheese"! So stinkin' cute!

Waiting to get her mani/pedi.

Lovin' her pampering!

Out like a light!

I thought this was funny. Wyatt was in the tree trying to cut tree limbs with a little hand saw. It only lasted about 20 minutes...goof!

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