Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A working Mom!

I'm officially a "working" Mom!

I started last week as a contract specialist for RK Dixon, in Davenport. The position was originally full-time, but after talking to my boss about babysitter issues I am now working part-time. My hours are perfect! I work 7-12pm. The first week was REALLY hard. I seriously felt like my heart had been ripped out. I missed the kids SO MUCH! I knew I would miss them, but I had no idea how much. Now that I'm working the short hours, I really don't even miss them. Well....of course I miss them, but I don't have the urge to cry every five minutes (yes it was that bad).

I am so happy I am working for this company. To be honest I was more interested in finding a great company, rather then a great position, if that makes sense. I wanted to find a company that understands I'm a MOM FIRST. RK Dixon definitely seems to understand that, and actually appreciate that I have a life and other priorities.

The kids seem to be doing just fine with this adjustment. They spend mornings with Daddy, and then I get home just in time for Wyatt to go to work. We're not getting a lot of time all 4 of us. It just means we have to make weekends really count. The first week when I was getting home until 6 was rough on the kids. In those 3 days, Brenna really started acting up. One of the best things is that they will talk to me in a year and re-evalute the situation. If I feel the need to stay part-time I have that option. Pretty lucky!

Anywho...just wanted to update on the job situation. I still have so many pictures to post. Not enough time in the day. :-(

Monday, August 9, 2010

Where I'm suppose to be.........

Sometimes people get lost and just don't know where they belong. I have been searching for the last couple months for a job. I've sent in probably 2-3 applications/resumes a week, and I've only got ONE phone call. This phone call did result in an interview. I thought the interview went fairly well, but it seems like I didn't get the job. I'm not really disappointed that I didn't get that job. I'm disappointed that I can't seem to get a job. Then it hit me, I do have a a job. I'm a mother, and right now that's all that really matters. Even though part of me REALLY wants a career right now, part of me loves spending this special time with these babies. I love waking up with them, being home when Brenna gets home from school, doing household chores with the radio cranked up and my kiddos dancing widly, craft time, watching toon-toons with them, etc. I love our days right now. I don't know if I'm ready to give this up yet, and maybe God knows that. The right job will come around, the job that fits perfectly into OUR lives. I just need reassured sometimes, and I need reassured that I'm where I'm suppose to be.

I wish we had playgroups around here. It's such a small area, and there aren't any playgroups set up or MOPS groups. I think sometimes the reason I want to work is so I can socialize with grown-ups. When I was going to WIU, I went to school. I got to talk fellow students and professors. I was Miranda for a couple hours a day. Now that I'm doing my MBA all online, I'm always Mommy. So I have to do something about this. I'm thinking voluntery might be an option. I'm also going to put Brenna in a dance/tumbling class. I don't know if this will help me, but I know Miss B will love it. I'm also going to look at something for Collier. I have no idea what I'm looking for, for him, but something.

I only have about a year, before I HAVE to work, so I've decided I'm going to make this the most amazing year ever. I'm going to enjoy everyday with these kiddos. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my time with them, but like most Mothers I also have my whiney days when they're driving me NUTS. I'm going to avoid complaining about those days. All days are going to be AMAZING days. :-)

I still have A LOT of pictures to post from July and now August. Maybe the kids will got to bed at a decent time tonight, and I can finally get the new pictures posted. :-)