Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A working Mom!

I'm officially a "working" Mom!

I started last week as a contract specialist for RK Dixon, in Davenport. The position was originally full-time, but after talking to my boss about babysitter issues I am now working part-time. My hours are perfect! I work 7-12pm. The first week was REALLY hard. I seriously felt like my heart had been ripped out. I missed the kids SO MUCH! I knew I would miss them, but I had no idea how much. Now that I'm working the short hours, I really don't even miss them. Well....of course I miss them, but I don't have the urge to cry every five minutes (yes it was that bad).

I am so happy I am working for this company. To be honest I was more interested in finding a great company, rather then a great position, if that makes sense. I wanted to find a company that understands I'm a MOM FIRST. RK Dixon definitely seems to understand that, and actually appreciate that I have a life and other priorities.

The kids seem to be doing just fine with this adjustment. They spend mornings with Daddy, and then I get home just in time for Wyatt to go to work. We're not getting a lot of time all 4 of us. It just means we have to make weekends really count. The first week when I was getting home until 6 was rough on the kids. In those 3 days, Brenna really started acting up. One of the best things is that they will talk to me in a year and re-evalute the situation. If I feel the need to stay part-time I have that option. Pretty lucky!

Anywho...just wanted to update on the job situation. I still have so many pictures to post. Not enough time in the day. :-(

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