Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year!

Happy New Year!! I can't believe 2011 is here! It's always so exciting when a new year comes, it seems like a new start! :-)

Here's a little recap of our 2010!


We lost Grandma Mueller. It was a sad time for our family, but it was a huge learning experience for Brenna. A day doesn't go by that she doesn't talk about Heaven, and the ones we've lost.


Don't really remember too much here, except that we found out that the mass on Mimi's lung (she's a non-smoker) was NOT cancer! :-)

I also started my MBA.


Wyatt ended his LONG 10 months of unemployment and started working at GPC. We both hated the hours, and he hated the job, but we were glad he was working.

We also found out Julie had cancer again. :-(

We also welcomed Carly, our new dog to the family.


Collier turned ONE!! :-) We had a nice little party at our house for him, and he was spoiled with gifts.

We also celebrated Easter at our house. It's always fun when we get all the kiddos together.


I did the HCG diet in April/May and lost close to 30 lbs! :-)


Wyatt started back at Allsteel! This was a HUGE blessing for our family! :-)

Wyatt turned 30!! I tease him all the time that he's an old man!


We just spent a lot of time outdoors, enjoying the nice summer weather. I also decided I was ready to go back to work.


I started working at RK Dixon. I really enjoy my job and I see myself working there for a long time. I LOVE that I work part time. Such a blessing to have found this job.


In March, my BFF got engaged. So in September we spent a lot of time doing wedding festivities! It was a lot of fun! :-) Such an honor for my family to be included.


Miss B turned 4!!

Katie and John got married!

We loss Julie....


Celebrated Thanksgiving! Had a lot to be thankful this year.

I quit the MBA program. I'm not usually a quitter but I realized it just didn't suite my life or my family's. I don't see myself working full time for a while, and if I completed it, I would have to work full time to pay the student loans...just didn't make sense. I might go back, I might not. Either way I'm content with my decision. :-)


CHRISTMAS!! This was by far the best Christmas!

That's just a quick run through of 2010, and I still have post from 2010 to get on the blog so look forward to that hopefully today!

I think 2011 is going to be a great year for us. Wyatt and I are both working jobs that we like. The kids are growing and learning everyday, and it's a blast to watch them.

Some goals of mine for 2011 are:

*Be more organized. Some how I've become a hot mess, and it is a huge issue for me. I need to get back to being more organized and planned.

*More Community service.

*Lose more weight. I'm going to start the HCG diet again so I'm sure that will happen.

*Date nights with Wyatt. Now this is a hard one because he works almost every Saturday, so we might have to have date nights at home. Either way I want to spend more time with him and just him. :-)

*Do some work to our house. I have a list of stuff I've been wanting to do since we moved here. We've had either time or money constraints, and it hasn't gotten done. In 2011 it WILL get done. :-)

*Family vacations. We were planning on a Disney trip this year, but we decided it just made more sense to go the next year when Collier was a little older and can enjoy it more. We are however planning a St. Louis trip and an Adventureland trip! I also want to do some zoo, waterpark, museum, fishing, etc. outings this year too. Again this is hard since Wyatt works Saturdays, but I guess we will really busy on Sundays.

*Lots and lots of learning for the kids! I would like to see Brenna reading and learning math. :-) I would also like to see Collier learning the ABC's and numbers. Obviously, having fun while learning is a must, so no pressure on this one.

*A garden. Last year we attempted a container garden, it didn't turn out. I REALLY want to do an actual garden this year. Hopefully, we can get something to grow!

I hope everyone has a new year filled with laughter and happiness! :-)

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