Friday, April 1, 2011

Collier is 2........well....almost!

Collier will be 2 in 2 short days! It's so bittersweet for me. I never understand stood why parents got a little upset when they're children turned another year older, but now I get it. I'm not upset, just a little sad. A little sad that the baby stage is over in our house. Just in the last 2 days he's kind of potty trained himself. It started on Wednesday when he insisted on peeing standing up. Now he won't stop peeing in the toilet...haha. I think he definitely likes the "shooting" effect his pee has in the :-) We also got him a new bed for his birthday, so I just feel kind of like all of a sudden no more baby. :-( But I'm definitely more excited about his birthday though. And to say I'm very proud of my almost 2 year old is an understatement! He is so incredibly smart and funny!

He is obsessed with Toy Story. He calls it stinkin cute! He really prefers TS2 but B deleted it off the DVR. I think Grandma is getting it for his b-day though.

He also really likes Barney and Gabba is still a favorite as well.

He can count to 12. :-)

He says pretty much anything. Talking is definitely not an issue for him.

He is very polite. He says please, thank you, and welcome, when needed. This makes Mama very proud. :-)

He sings a lot. He loves singing Gabba songs, and he sings the "I love you" song from Barney...or Arnie as he calls him. Watching him sing he "I love you" song is one of the cutest things ever. He does the kissing and hugging part too! Precious!

He weighs about 27lbs and I would guess he's about 33-34 inches. We'll find out next week when he has his check up.

He LOVES to color and doodle. With out a doubt it's one of his favorite things to do. He's always stealing my pens and note pads and doodling on every page he can.

He is so ornery and he is very stubborn. He also has a temper and has no problem letting you know what's on his mind.

He adore his sister. They are very close. When she's at school he's kind of lost with out her.

There's a quick run down of the little guy. I'll post party pictures next week!

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