Sunday, March 20, 2011

I adore my children.......

........more and more each day. I know most parents adore their children, but I adore mine so incredibly much. Way more than I could ever imagine, and way more then they could ever know. Of course I love them, but I'm saying I adore all those random things about them, that only I, their mother, notice and think is special.

I adore that Collier has blond hair. I NEVER thought I would have a child with blond hair, and I'm sure it will darken, bur right now I love it. I also love that it always sticks up. I've been blessed with children who have crazy hair, and I love it.

I adore that 90% of the day, Collier has his shoes on. He brings them to me, and says, "Mama, shoes, pweeese?" I adore this. His shoes stink because he wears them all the time with out socks, and I love this. Yes, folks I love his stinky shoes.

I love that he calls Toy Story, "Yeehaw".

I love that when he grins, he squints his eyes so much you can't even see his eyes.

I absolutely adore that every time Wyatt calls me at work, Bubby HAS to talk to me. Even though I'm busy, and running out of time, I have to talk to him and hear his mindless chatter.

I love his smell. I know this probably sounds weird, but he has such a distinct smell. When he's cuddling with me, I breathe it in. I hope I can always remember this smell.

Collier calls yogurt, "yote". Make me smile every time.

I adore the way Brenna says so some things. She calls coins, "twenties". No idea why, but I secretly hope she always says this.

I also love the way she crinkles her nose when she says things. She doesn't do it all the time, but it always makes me smile when she does.

She breaks out in song all the time. Sometimes I know the song, sometimes I don't. But I love it.

She always ask her dad, "How many days do you have laid off?" She obviously means "days off", she must remember him being laid off. It never fails that she ask him this.

I adore her enthusiasm, she can get excited about pretty much anything.

The other day, she was rocking her baby, and she had another baby sitting next to her. I asked her if her baby was okay and she said, "Yes, I'm just rocking him, he's boy, his name is Collier. And this is me (pointing to the other baby) and I'm you." I'm taking care of them, like you take care of me and bubby." What a special moment to me. I can't help but smile. I adore these little moments.

When I pick her up from school, she always runs to me saying, "Mooommmyyyyy!!" Like its been a week since she last saw me. I love that moment.

These are all moments and things that I forget, when I'm burnt out and absolutely exhausted from the many duties of being a mommy. I must remember that these are the things that I live for. The things that make me so very happy. The things I need.

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