Friday, May 22, 2009

A little about my life!

Well first of all I'm Miranda! I'm the proud momma of 2 little ones. Brenna is 2.5 and an amazing little girl. She is sooo smart and makes everyone smile. She is sooooo sassy and even though her "sassyness" can be a little trying at times I love it. She also has this very compassionate side that melts my heart! When I was in the hospital for my c-section and for my GB surgery she was so worried about me. She kept asking about my about my "owies" and would get this really worried look on her face. I kept reminding her that mommy was okay. She also is very bossy, she loves to boss her cousin Rayden around and its so cute to watch her think she is the boss. She is the definition of a daddy's girl but knows that Mommy is the one who takes care of everything. She def. has daddy whipped. She LOVES to make him do anything she can get him to....I think its a game to her. What can Brenna get daddy to do!

Then we have our new addition, Mr. Collier! I have to say this little boy is so sweet and I am so in love with him. He LOVES his Mommy! He loves to eat...I think he eats about every! Which is fine with mommy, I love my bonding time with him. He has started to smile and the morning is now his happy time, I can usually get smiles then. He loves to be held and of course I fall for it and hold him most of the day.

I guess I should probably give a little info on! Wyatt and I have been together for 5 years. He is the best dad in the world. He was def. a changed man the minute Brenna was born. He LOVES the Cubs. I'm pretty sure his list of top loves go 1. His children 2. The Cubs 3.! J/K! He also likes to play x-box when he can get some spare time.

I also am a full-time student at WIU. I'm studying Management with a minor in SCM. I will be done in December but plan to continue on with my Master's. My life is busy and complicated but I love every minute of it. I am truly blessed and I think I realize that more and more each day.

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