Friday, May 22, 2009

Our fun week!

We had wonderful weather this week we spent a lot of time outside.

Tuesday we went and paid bills and went to the park. We were only planning on being there for an hour or so, but we ended up staying for 4.5 hours. Krista, Ryan, and Rayden came to the park too. Brenna and Rayden had so much fun playing in the sand, swinging, and playing on the equipment. Brenna thought it was so funny to destroy everyone's sand castles. You couldn't help laughing because it was so cute how excited she got. Wyatt kept calling her! Collier had a rough start but ended up falling asleep and sleeping most of the time. Here are some pics of the kiddos playing.

Isn't she sooo pretty?!?

Yep! She thinks she is a big girl!

Playing in the sand.

This is her smile after destroying Daddy's (attempt at a ) castle.

And of course one of baby brother! This was his first trip to the park. (cute shirt huh?!?!)

Afterwards, we went to Krista's and ate supper and of course the kiddos kept playing. Brenna was tired when we left. She did NOT want to leave Ray-Ray's lol!

Wednesday Brenna had school. She came home so tired. She ended up taking a long nap and when she woke up she wouldn't stop talking about Ray-Ray. So Wyatt took her over to Krista's so her and Ray could play.

Thursday the four of us along with Krista, Ryan, and Ray went to the Niabi Zoo. We had soooo much fun. Brenna and Ray were so cute and suprisinly they both behaved really well. Brenna LOVED the carousel she rode it twice! Both kiddos really enjoyed the train ride. Brenna rode the ponies and really enjoyed that as well. We also fed the fish and goats. The baby goats were so cute. Collier pretty much slept the whole time. He woke up at the end for a little bit. It was such a beautiful day I'm glad we were all able to get and enjoy the weather. Here are some zoo pics!

Collier's first trip to the zoo!
Feeding the goats!
Pony ride

Friday was pretty much just a relaxing day. Brenna went to school and we watched Collin from 6:30-11am. He is such a happy child! Mimi (aka my mom) came up for supper. Wyatt grilled some yummy food. Brenna also played outside for a little bit. I was also able to snap a picture of Collier smiling. :) He is so cute! Brenna was so tired she fell asleep on the couch. She woke up for like 2 minutes then passed out on the floor. Here are some pics from outside and some of Mr. C!
How can you not fall in love!?!?
I hope she's a better driver then her mommy!
Stoppin' to smell the flowers.
Brenna asleep on the floor.
Lola thinking she has to lay down with her girl.

Brenna has learned some naughty words. :( She told me to shut up.....Wyatt def. let her know that she isn't allowed to talk like that. She also has picked up stupid and dumb. It so hard not to laugh when she says "Daddy's dumb" lol! We're trying to let her know that those are mean words. She also says "Mommy doin"! She has also been singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider"...which is beyond cute...I need to get it on video.

I think Collier has passed his fussy phase. He seems to be a happy baby for the most part. I seriously can't believe he is almost 2 months old. Can he please stay a baby forever?!?!

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