Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday we finally went to see Grandma Mueller. It was her first time meeting Collier. It was so cute to see this little old lady holding chunky butt! She was so sweet and kept talking about how children just melt your heart. We really enjoyed our visit with her. Now if we can just find the time to visit it her more.
Great Grandma holding Collier
Great Grandma, Wyatt, Brenna, and Collier
Great Grandma and Brenna
Later that evening we went to Evan's (Jim and Kristen's son) baseball game. Brenna loved playing in the sandbox. And of course everyone just talked about how cute Brennie (Kristen's nm for her) was. Unfortunately Evan's team lost. :(

Sunday we went to a cookout at Julie and Rod's house. We ate delicious food and the kiddos had a blast playing. We also went to Jim and Kristen's and just watched the kids play while Kristen snuggled Collier.

Rayden and Brenna riding the four wheeler together
Wyatt "trying" to hula hoop
Aunt Julie helping Brenna with hula hooping
Uncle Rod finally held Collier!

Monday we just enjoyed the day at home.

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