Monday, June 22, 2009
Brenna got a little pool on Friday and she loves it! It has a slide that goes with it, but we haven't aired it up yet. Here are some pictures of her swimming today.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Random thoughts
It is 12:34am and I am sitting awake with little Miss Brenna. Why? She had a late nap, so she is refreshed and ready to go...haha. I love that she is awake right now. Brenna and I don't get a lot of "girl" time.
**Side note** Brenna is throwing a huge fit RIGHT NOW because she wants to go outside and play in her pool. Mimi bought her a pool and we set it up today, she obviously doesn't think she got enough swimming time. lol Now she is fighting with her father about what clothes she is going to wear at 12:44am. She's a handful and I love every minute of it.
She loves to ride her bike around the house. She will often go grab a purse and a baby and say she is going to go to Walmart. Walmart is her favorite place. If I tell her we need something she always tells me we can get it at Walmart.
She will "breast feed" her babies or she will ask Mommy to do! This is the cutest thing in the world. And I love that at such a young age she is learning how normal it is for a baby to breast feed.
She loves to stay at Mimi and Poppy's. She often tells me that she is staying at Mimi's house. And of course they always let her. I think she enjoys being the center of attention and being spoiled rotten.
She always tells us "tink you" (thank you). We finally got her room painted and the whole time she kept telling me how pretty her room was and she would give me the biggest hug and say "tink you Mommy". Its moments like that when I thank God for my blessings. Its moments like that when I realize how truly wonderful my life it.
She LOVES dresses. She is the definition of a girly girl. Good luck getting her to wear anything besides a dress. Mimi felt the need to feed this addiction and in the last week has bought her probably 7 dresses. She loves them. She also told Mimi "tink you" for the dresses. She is so polite and sweet.
She loves "baby buses" (school buses). If she sees one she screams at the top of her lungs...BABY BUS!! The little things make her happy.
She told her Dad the other day that she was going to go shopping with Mimi and Mimi was going to buy her 2 "moot snacks"...or as we call them fruit snacks. So of course Mimi bought her 2 boxes of fruit snacks.
I hope I never forget these moments. To me these are the most special moments. I'm watching my daughter grow,and she is learning so much. I hope I always remember her sweet little voice, the excitement in her voice when she sees a baby bus, or the smile on her face when she sees her baby "brudder". She is perfect in every way.
Collier is sleeping right now. For the past couple of days has been sleeping though the night. Usually from about 10pm-6am. I miss him waking up. I miss snuggling him and it just being the 2 of us. Nothing to take my attention away from him.
He is such a sweet baby. He is def. a momma's boy. I think Wyatt has come to terms with the fact that only his Mother can calm him down. He can be screaming and the minute he is in my arms he stops. (I must have the magic touch..haha). He is still breastfeeding and is growing so big. In less than 2 weeks he will be 3 months. And of course it is bitter sweet. I know that before I know it he will in Kindergarten. I just hope he knows that Mommy will always be here. He will always be my baby boy.
He is close to rolling over. I think if he wanted to he would, but her prefers to just sit with Mommy (which is fine with me too). He smiles often and its the best. Nothing sweeter then a baby smile. He also laughs, but you have to work a little harder to get those.
We just moved him into a convertible seat in the car. He literally cried the whole time he was in the infant seat. He still fusses in the convertible seat but at least he doesn't scream for 45 minutes.
He loves staring at his feet. He is especially happy when Mommy puts him in a sleeper that has little things on the feet. It amazes him, and he amazes me. :)
Well since it is technically Father's Day.....Happy Father's Day, Wyatt! You are an amazing father, and for that I thank you. Thank you for always being there when our children and I need you. Thank you for taking Brenna to the park,taking her to school, reading to her, cuddling with her, and wiping her tears away. You truly are her hero, she loves you so much. Thank you for being an amazing Father to Collier. Thank you for trying your hardest to calm him down even though he wants no part of it. Thank you for trying your hardest to make him smile and laugh. And thank you for the many more years you have with our children. I know you will always be there for our children. I love you and I am very proud of the man you have become.
Well it is now 1:24am, I think I will go cuddle with my baby girl.
**Side note** Brenna is throwing a huge fit RIGHT NOW because she wants to go outside and play in her pool. Mimi bought her a pool and we set it up today, she obviously doesn't think she got enough swimming time. lol Now she is fighting with her father about what clothes she is going to wear at 12:44am. She's a handful and I love every minute of it.
She loves to ride her bike around the house. She will often go grab a purse and a baby and say she is going to go to Walmart. Walmart is her favorite place. If I tell her we need something she always tells me we can get it at Walmart.
She will "breast feed" her babies or she will ask Mommy to do! This is the cutest thing in the world. And I love that at such a young age she is learning how normal it is for a baby to breast feed.
She loves to stay at Mimi and Poppy's. She often tells me that she is staying at Mimi's house. And of course they always let her. I think she enjoys being the center of attention and being spoiled rotten.
She always tells us "tink you" (thank you). We finally got her room painted and the whole time she kept telling me how pretty her room was and she would give me the biggest hug and say "tink you Mommy". Its moments like that when I thank God for my blessings. Its moments like that when I realize how truly wonderful my life it.
She LOVES dresses. She is the definition of a girly girl. Good luck getting her to wear anything besides a dress. Mimi felt the need to feed this addiction and in the last week has bought her probably 7 dresses. She loves them. She also told Mimi "tink you" for the dresses. She is so polite and sweet.
She loves "baby buses" (school buses). If she sees one she screams at the top of her lungs...BABY BUS!! The little things make her happy.
She told her Dad the other day that she was going to go shopping with Mimi and Mimi was going to buy her 2 "moot snacks"...or as we call them fruit snacks. So of course Mimi bought her 2 boxes of fruit snacks.
I hope I never forget these moments. To me these are the most special moments. I'm watching my daughter grow,and she is learning so much. I hope I always remember her sweet little voice, the excitement in her voice when she sees a baby bus, or the smile on her face when she sees her baby "brudder". She is perfect in every way.
Collier is sleeping right now. For the past couple of days has been sleeping though the night. Usually from about 10pm-6am. I miss him waking up. I miss snuggling him and it just being the 2 of us. Nothing to take my attention away from him.
He is such a sweet baby. He is def. a momma's boy. I think Wyatt has come to terms with the fact that only his Mother can calm him down. He can be screaming and the minute he is in my arms he stops. (I must have the magic touch..haha). He is still breastfeeding and is growing so big. In less than 2 weeks he will be 3 months. And of course it is bitter sweet. I know that before I know it he will in Kindergarten. I just hope he knows that Mommy will always be here. He will always be my baby boy.
He is close to rolling over. I think if he wanted to he would, but her prefers to just sit with Mommy (which is fine with me too). He smiles often and its the best. Nothing sweeter then a baby smile. He also laughs, but you have to work a little harder to get those.
We just moved him into a convertible seat in the car. He literally cried the whole time he was in the infant seat. He still fusses in the convertible seat but at least he doesn't scream for 45 minutes.
He loves staring at his feet. He is especially happy when Mommy puts him in a sleeper that has little things on the feet. It amazes him, and he amazes me. :)
Well since it is technically Father's Day.....Happy Father's Day, Wyatt! You are an amazing father, and for that I thank you. Thank you for always being there when our children and I need you. Thank you for taking Brenna to the park,taking her to school, reading to her, cuddling with her, and wiping her tears away. You truly are her hero, she loves you so much. Thank you for being an amazing Father to Collier. Thank you for trying your hardest to calm him down even though he wants no part of it. Thank you for trying your hardest to make him smile and laugh. And thank you for the many more years you have with our children. I know you will always be there for our children. I love you and I am very proud of the man you have become.
Well it is now 1:24am, I think I will go cuddle with my baby girl.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Joy Festival
We had the "famous" Joy Festival today. **Giggles** (Those who know what the Joy Festival is understands why I'm laughing.) The Joy Festival consist of a parade, and then the church cooks up some pork chop sandwiches. This year they also had a jumping balloon, pony rides, and face painting. So its just a fun little afternoon for the kiddos! Brenna loved the parade and loved the pony rides. I put Collier in the baby carrier and he pretty much slept the whole time. Here are some pics from the day.
Brenna before the parade

Brenna with cousin Ray-Ray before the parade

Collier trying to sleep on Mimi's (my mom)shoulder. He's looking for that

Brenna with Aunt "Tatie"

Brenna in the bounce house

Brenna riding the "orsies"

Collier fussing in the stroller. He hates the car seat and stroller

Brenna got a butterfly painted on her face (kind of a "ghetto" butterfly..haha)
Brenna before the parade
Brenna with cousin Ray-Ray before the parade
Collier trying to sleep on Mimi's (my mom)shoulder. He's looking for that
Brenna with Aunt "Tatie"
Brenna in the bounce house
Brenna riding the "orsies"
Collier fussing in the stroller. He hates the car seat and stroller
Brenna got a butterfly painted on her face (kind of a "ghetto" butterfly..haha)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A Letter To Me
Some days I just wonder how my life has gotten to where it is. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my life, but this isn't what I had planned. Its just kind of crazy that the girl I was 5 years ago didn't really know how life would be. Who would have thought that my plan wasn't what God planned. So this is a letter to me:
1. The sideways pony tail and stonewashed pants will never be COOL. Do not let your Mother dress you like that. You will look back at pictures and be embarrassed.
2. Do not make fun of people, you are better than that.
3. Be nice to your parents and do not say hateful things to them. These two people end up being amazing influences in your life and your children's lives. They make amazing grandparents, and your Mother will be your best friend. I know you are laughing, it doesn't seem possible, huh? Trust me you will still butt heads and fight, but she is there for you no matter what.
4. Don't worry so much about what people think. "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."
5. Don't be so hard on yourself. When you read that you know exactly what I mean.
6. The conversation you have with your grandfather in December 2002, will be your last. It will not end in a good way. Don't let this be the last time you talk to him (while he is coherent and knows who you are). This will be you BIGGEST regret in life and you will think about it everyday.
7. Don't lose friends over money. Money is not an important aspect of life.
8. Don't worry so much about material things. Those things have no value in life. They only bring you "fake" happiness. The people in your life is what brings you true happiness. Value your loved ones.
9. You know that boy Wyatt Fisher? Get this you end up having 2 kids with him. Okay..I know your laughing now, but its true. He ends up being pretty great and is an AMAZING Father. He will teach you many lessons in life and at times you will won't to throw in the towel. But at the end of the day he is always there. He excepts your faults and flaws and loves you regardless, as you do with him. And don't worry about what your parents think, they come around and end up accepting him 100%.
10. Have more faith and go with the flow. You're life ends up being pretty amazing, you just have to let it take its own course.
1. The sideways pony tail and stonewashed pants will never be COOL. Do not let your Mother dress you like that. You will look back at pictures and be embarrassed.
2. Do not make fun of people, you are better than that.
3. Be nice to your parents and do not say hateful things to them. These two people end up being amazing influences in your life and your children's lives. They make amazing grandparents, and your Mother will be your best friend. I know you are laughing, it doesn't seem possible, huh? Trust me you will still butt heads and fight, but she is there for you no matter what.
4. Don't worry so much about what people think. "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."
5. Don't be so hard on yourself. When you read that you know exactly what I mean.
6. The conversation you have with your grandfather in December 2002, will be your last. It will not end in a good way. Don't let this be the last time you talk to him (while he is coherent and knows who you are). This will be you BIGGEST regret in life and you will think about it everyday.
7. Don't lose friends over money. Money is not an important aspect of life.
8. Don't worry so much about material things. Those things have no value in life. They only bring you "fake" happiness. The people in your life is what brings you true happiness. Value your loved ones.
9. You know that boy Wyatt Fisher? Get this you end up having 2 kids with him. Okay..I know your laughing now, but its true. He ends up being pretty great and is an AMAZING Father. He will teach you many lessons in life and at times you will won't to throw in the towel. But at the end of the day he is always there. He excepts your faults and flaws and loves you regardless, as you do with him. And don't worry about what your parents think, they come around and end up accepting him 100%.
10. Have more faith and go with the flow. You're life ends up being pretty amazing, you just have to let it take its own course.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wyatt's b-day!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My Little Boy is 2 months old!!
So...June 3rd is here, and Collier is 2 months old. Its amazing how much he has changed in the last 2 months. He has become such a happy baby. Mornings are his favorite time, he loves to smile! He is really starting to coo and "talk" to us. He has filled out so much and is quite the chunky little thing. I would guess that he weighs around 10lbs. He is officially in 0-3 month clothing. He isn't a big fan of tummy time...sometimes he just decides to go to sleep. He has started to really like his swing...which helps Momma out a! He still wakes up quite a bit at night, but I don't really mind. I love spending that cuddling time with him. He wakes up about every 3 hours, although, he did go almost 4 hours last night.
I can't believe how well Collier just fits in our lives. I can't believe I lived without him. How was our family complete with out him? He has stolen my heart and is def. momma's little boy, I love him so much. He fills my heart with nothing but happiness...he is such a blessing.
I can't brag about my little boy without talking about Miss B! Brenna had her first field trip today. Unfortunately, I am sick and couldn't go, but Daddy went! They are going to the zoo and I'm sure they are having a blast!! She loves the zoo!
Brenna is the best big sister ever! I am so impressed with how well she has adapted to her new role. I love how much she loves her brother, it melts my heart. She is so sweet to him and just wants to love on him. I hope they are the best of friends. They both have shown me the meaning of true love. Brenna is SOOO smart! I can't believe that my baby girl is now a "big" girl (and she reminds us of this all the time). She won't even hold our hands because she is a big! I love her so much! She is perfect in every way!
I never would have thought that I would have 2 kids at the age of 22. Being a mother is what I do best. It is my "calling". It is amazing what my life has become, it is wonderful. My kiddos are everything to me and they love me unconditionally. They don't care that mommy still has baby weight to lose or that I don't have my hair! All they care is that I hug on them and kiss on them. They only care that I am here for them.
Brenna and Collier- You 2 have made me the happiest person in the world. I truly love you both more than words could ever express. You make Without you my life has no meaning. You are the meaning to my song.I will always be here for you. I am proud of you each and every day. Thank you for showing me what love is....thank you for being my precious little miracles.
I can't believe how well Collier just fits in our lives. I can't believe I lived without him. How was our family complete with out him? He has stolen my heart and is def. momma's little boy, I love him so much. He fills my heart with nothing but happiness...he is such a blessing.
I can't brag about my little boy without talking about Miss B! Brenna had her first field trip today. Unfortunately, I am sick and couldn't go, but Daddy went! They are going to the zoo and I'm sure they are having a blast!! She loves the zoo!
Brenna is the best big sister ever! I am so impressed with how well she has adapted to her new role. I love how much she loves her brother, it melts my heart. She is so sweet to him and just wants to love on him. I hope they are the best of friends. They both have shown me the meaning of true love. Brenna is SOOO smart! I can't believe that my baby girl is now a "big" girl (and she reminds us of this all the time). She won't even hold our hands because she is a big! I love her so much! She is perfect in every way!
I never would have thought that I would have 2 kids at the age of 22. Being a mother is what I do best. It is my "calling". It is amazing what my life has become, it is wonderful. My kiddos are everything to me and they love me unconditionally. They don't care that mommy still has baby weight to lose or that I don't have my hair! All they care is that I hug on them and kiss on them. They only care that I am here for them.
Brenna and Collier- You 2 have made me the happiest person in the world. I truly love you both more than words could ever express. You make Without you my life has no meaning. You are the meaning to my song.I will always be here for you. I am proud of you each and every day. Thank you for showing me what love is....thank you for being my precious little miracles.
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