Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Letter To Me

Some days I just wonder how my life has gotten to where it is. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my life, but this isn't what I had planned. Its just kind of crazy that the girl I was 5 years ago didn't really know how life would be. Who would have thought that my plan wasn't what God planned. So this is a letter to me:

1. The sideways pony tail and stonewashed pants will never be COOL. Do not let your Mother dress you like that. You will look back at pictures and be embarrassed.

2. Do not make fun of people, you are better than that.

3. Be nice to your parents and do not say hateful things to them. These two people end up being amazing influences in your life and your children's lives. They make amazing grandparents, and your Mother will be your best friend. I know you are laughing, it doesn't seem possible, huh? Trust me you will still butt heads and fight, but she is there for you no matter what.

4. Don't worry so much about what people think. "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."

5. Don't be so hard on yourself. When you read that you know exactly what I mean.

6. The conversation you have with your grandfather in December 2002, will be your last. It will not end in a good way. Don't let this be the last time you talk to him (while he is coherent and knows who you are). This will be you BIGGEST regret in life and you will think about it everyday.

7. Don't lose friends over money. Money is not an important aspect of life.

8. Don't worry so much about material things. Those things have no value in life. They only bring you "fake" happiness. The people in your life is what brings you true happiness. Value your loved ones.

9. You know that boy Wyatt Fisher? Get this you end up having 2 kids with him. Okay..I know your laughing now, but its true. He ends up being pretty great and is an AMAZING Father. He will teach you many lessons in life and at times you will won't to throw in the towel. But at the end of the day he is always there. He excepts your faults and flaws and loves you regardless, as you do with him. And don't worry about what your parents think, they come around and end up accepting him 100%.

10. Have more faith and go with the flow. You're life ends up being pretty amazing, you just have to let it take its own course.


  1. Miranda, I just found your blog on the new JM, and cant tell you how much i LOVED this post! I know it was from a while back, but Im hoping you don tmind if I steal your idea sometime. I could have said the same things to myself in the past...er, i SHOULD have.

  2. You can def. use the idea...lol! I stole it from the Brad Paisley song. :)
