Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Little Boy is 2 months old!!

So...June 3rd is here, and Collier is 2 months old. Its amazing how much he has changed in the last 2 months. He has become such a happy baby. Mornings are his favorite time, he loves to smile! He is really starting to coo and "talk" to us. He has filled out so much and is quite the chunky little thing. I would guess that he weighs around 10lbs. He is officially in 0-3 month clothing. He isn't a big fan of tummy time...sometimes he just decides to go to sleep. He has started to really like his swing...which helps Momma out a! He still wakes up quite a bit at night, but I don't really mind. I love spending that cuddling time with him. He wakes up about every 3 hours, although, he did go almost 4 hours last night.

I can't believe how well Collier just fits in our lives. I can't believe I lived without him. How was our family complete with out him? He has stolen my heart and is def. momma's little boy, I love him so much. He fills my heart with nothing but happiness...he is such a blessing.

I can't brag about my little boy without talking about Miss B! Brenna had her first field trip today. Unfortunately, I am sick and couldn't go, but Daddy went! They are going to the zoo and I'm sure they are having a blast!! She loves the zoo!

Brenna is the best big sister ever! I am so impressed with how well she has adapted to her new role. I love how much she loves her brother, it melts my heart. She is so sweet to him and just wants to love on him. I hope they are the best of friends. They both have shown me the meaning of true love. Brenna is SOOO smart! I can't believe that my baby girl is now a "big" girl (and she reminds us of this all the time). She won't even hold our hands because she is a big! I love her so much! She is perfect in every way!

I never would have thought that I would have 2 kids at the age of 22. Being a mother is what I do best. It is my "calling". It is amazing what my life has become, it is wonderful. My kiddos are everything to me and they love me unconditionally. They don't care that mommy still has baby weight to lose or that I don't have my hair! All they care is that I hug on them and kiss on them. They only care that I am here for them.

Brenna and Collier- You 2 have made me the happiest person in the world. I truly love you both more than words could ever express. You make Without you my life has no meaning. You are the meaning to my song.I will always be here for you. I am proud of you each and every day. Thank you for showing me what love is....thank you for being my precious little miracles.

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