Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving and Pictures!!

We had a great Thanksgiving this year. Thursday was spent with the Fisher side of the family. We had great food and more importantly had a great time with everyone. Of course Brenna, Rayden, and Collier were the topic of conversation. And all 3 of them had no problem entertaining everyone. Collier also showed off his love for all food and ate more the than the older kiddos. :)

Today I made a dinner and we had a great time eating great food yet again. Collin was also here for Thanksgiving. I know Mimi loved having all the grandbabies here today. We asked Brenna what she was thankful for and she said her Mommy and Daddy! Awww! She always knows the right things to say! She also said her favorite food was the Turkey! That's pretty much all she ate. Little Turkey! Unfortunately, Collier was sick today. Its his first time being sick. In the middle of the night he had a high temp and he was up most of the night. Then he puked and now he has spent the rest of the day hacking, and now B is too. I'm really struggling to keep a healthy family! Even though Bubby was sick he still ate some squash and pumpkin pie today! Nothing is going to keep him from! About an hour before bedtime he seemed to be a lot better. He was up playing and laughing, so hopefully he's on the mend.

I know I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Of course I'm thankful for my kiddos. I'm thankful for all the cuddles and kisses I get. I'm thankful for those middle of the night snuggles. I'm thankful for the patience my kids are teaching me. God knows I have become A LOT more patient. I'm thankful for my Mom! She is amazing! I'm also thankful for the rest of my family and of course all my friends! And of course I'm thankful for Wyatt. He is a great Dad and its kind of been nice that he's been laid off. He spends TONS of time with the kids and I love that he has such a close relationship with both kids. Its really great that he is able to spend so much time with Collier at such an young age. I'm also extremely thankful that even though Wyatt is laid off we are surviving! We are doing much better than a lot of people who have lost their jobs. We have a home, our health, food in our bellies, and love in our hearts! That's pretty much all that matters!

Now on to the pictures! These our in a crazy order because I had a really hard time uploading them.

I had a mini "photo shoot" with the kids and this was one of the pics.

Yea...I'm a MAN! hahah

Bubby was sitting on the little chair perfectly! I had to snap a pic!


This was when B was sick with the H1N1 Virus. Daddy bought her the horse and she named it KiKi from the Fresh Beat Band.

Bubby on Halloween!

Bubby on his 7 month b-day. He's eating carrots and tators.

B loves to play games! Oh...and yes she usually wears a princess dress around the house.

B on Halloween. She was wore out after TOT.

Bubby on Halloween at Krista's. We waited to put his costume on.

B on Halloween.

B on her acutal Birthday.

B on Thanksgiving. The kids did not want to cooperate for pictures.

A pic from B's "photoshoot".

The kids together on Turkey Day.

My favorite one of Collier!

B and I made this shirt for Thanksgiving!
Another one of B!

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