Saturday, November 14, 2009

Halloween and Collier is 7 months!

So..I'm a little late on this. My computer cord broke so I can't charge the laptop and I can find the cord to hook the camera up to desktop. Soooo no pics but I wanted to go ahead and make a post.

Halloween was a lot of fun! Brenna was a princess and Collier was the cutest spider I've ever seen. We went over to Krista's and then down to Mimi and Poppy's house. It was a lot of fun and Brenna had a blast!

Collier turned 7 months a couple days after Halloween! He is doing great and has 2 of his bottom teeth. He crawls everywhere and loves to cruise the furniture! He also LOVES to eat real food! He is consistently eating 3 meals a day. If you don't feed him he acts like he is going to hyperventilate!LOL Its so cute to see him and his sister play together! Brenna really does great with him and he loves playing with her. He is a busy little boy!

Brenna just got over being sick this past week. She was running very high temps so I actually took her to the ER. They said they thought she had the H1N1 virus. :( Thankfully, she is all better now. We have also had quite a stressful week with Mimi. She is staying with us now because she had complications from her foot surgey and ended up being in the hossy for 5 days. Thankfully, she is getting better. Its just going to be a long road. Brenna loves taking care of Mimi and she even pushes her in the wheel chair. I love how caring Brenna is. She enjoys helping others and I think that's one of the best qualities to have!

Hopefully, in the next couple days I can get some pics up! :)

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