Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today we went swimming at Aunt Krista's house. This was the kids first time in an actual pool, and not just a kiddie pool. Brenna loved it, and Collier hated it. I think he was just really tired and the water was just a little chilly.

Brenna and Rayden!

Ray! He kept closing his eyes when I took a picture.

My beautiful girl!

She looks like such a big girl!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Outside time!

Collier stole my sweet tea. I literally had to pry it out of his hands, he was not a happy camper that this mean Mommy wouldn't let him drink it all!

Watering the crazy flowers/plants. Notice C sucking down my sweet tea, this is right when he took it.

Sidewalk chalk time!

4-wheeler time! See those crazy bushes? Those are raspberries! Somehow I missed that they were raspberries last year. Maybe its because I had a new baby and no time for outside or maybe they didn't grow last year..haha! IDK...but I love that we have those bushes! The kids love them more!

Zoo Field Trip

Last Tuesday (6-15) Brenna and I went on her school field trip to the Niabi Zoo. I was pretty excited to go because last year Collier was just a little one and I had to stay home with him. It was a lot of fun watching her interact with all of her friends. I have to say that it makes me very proud to know that she gets along with EVERYONE. Obviously, I adore her, but its nice to know that her classmates as well as her teachers do as well.

On a bus for the first time! Anyone who knows Brenna knows that she is obsessed with "Baby Buses". We live next to the Junior High and she used to love watching the buses come and go. She's not obsessed as she used to be, but she still loves them and was very excited to ride a bus.

Sad. I wanted to keep feeding the fish and she didn't.

Riding the pony.

The Giraffes!

With some of her friends!

Playing before lunch.

We spent the first part of the zoo trip walking around with Brenna's friend Bodie and his Mom. Then we met up with Brenna's teachers and the children that were with them. All Brenna cared about was walking around with her friends. I really think she could have cared less if I was there. :( She's growing up! We had a lot of fun, and I can't wait to go on more school trips with her.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Joy Festival, slip-n-slide, and Build-a-bear!

Last weekend (6-12) we went to the Joy Festival. Basically its a parade with small things for the kids and porkchop sandwiches. The kids loved the parade and Brenna loved the bounce house.

Brenna throwing rocks.

I love how Collier is looking at his big sis in this picture!

Trying again to get the two of them together.

Cousins! I think this might be the first successful picture of all of three of them together!

Grandma and Bubby!

Hi Bubby!

Mimi's turn with Bubby!

Bounce house time!

Face painting!

They painted some flowers on her arm.

At the Festival Brenna won a slip-n-slide. So of course we had to play with it that night. Brenna was pretty hesitant because the water was cold, but Bubby loved it! He is definitely our little water baby!

On Sunday our plan was to go to Monkey Joe's but we ended up going to Build-a-bear. Brenna LOVED it, and of course Collier just wanted to run around the store and act like the crazy little boy he is! :-)

Brenna chose a white horse (imagine that).

Putting the heart with a wish in!

Giving the horse a bath.

Bubby with his monkey that we named Cubbie!

The kids togeher. Collier REFUSED to put the sippy down. Little stinker!

Brenna with Sleeping Beauty. She even picked out a Sleeping Beauty dress!

I have a couple more post to make, so hopefully I'll get this blog updated in the next couple days!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random post

This is just a random post. Just little things the kids are doing that I have forgot to put in the blog.


*He blows kisses, has been for about a month now. Very, very, cute!

*He does the shhh thing. But instead of putting his finger up to his lips he puts it in his mouth and says Shhhh!

*He is refusing to drink out of sippy cups. He wants real OPEN cups. Oh boy! He does fairly well at it, but sometimes gets the shock of spilling all over himself.

*He has starting sitting on the potty. He doesn't go on the potty, but just sitting on the potty is a good start. I'm not potty training him, but I think its important to get him comfortable with the potty. He just grins and grins when I set him on there.

*He beat boxes. Hahah....well kind of. On Yo Gabba Gabba there is a "Biz's beat of the day". If we say It's Biz's beat of the day he starts "beat boxing". LOL! It's pretty cute!

*He loves putting things in the dogs' kennels. You'll often find shoes, toys, the remote, my phone, etc. in the kennels.

*He LOVES giving kisses.

*He is learning that certain things go together. For example, if I put his shoes on he goes to the door and starts waving bye. He knows its bye-bye time. He knows certain toys go together, or that the remote controls the tv. He's starting to notice the relationship between things

*Some new words include: down, done, duck, ball, night-night, and up. I would say he says about 3o-35 words. I have no idea if that is good or not. I usually don't pay attention to the "This is what your kid should be able to do at a certain age".

*He loves food, and when he eats he constanly says MMMMM!

***Okay, we were just talking about Obama and I swear he's saying Bama, Bama,!

*He also loves to tickle. He'll come up to you and "tickle you" and say tick, tick, tick. He thinks its hilarious!

*He also loves to give raspberries. If he sees my belly he instantly starts giving me "belly blows" as we call them. And of course when I laugh, he keeps doing it more!

Some recent Brenna funnies.

Brenna: Mom I have to go the bathroom.
Me: Okay.
Brenna: You watch Bubby, o-tay!!!
Me: haha...okay Brenna I'll watch him.
Sometimes she thinks she's the little Mommy!

Conversation we had at the doctor's office bathroom.
Brenna: **Sitting on the toliet** Hey Mom, apple juice makes my pee, and food makes my poopie.
Me: yep! That's pretty much how it works.

Brenna was petting Lola and then said Hey Mom! Lola has lots of boobies on her belly, that's funny! Then pointing to her "boobies" she said, My boobies are up here!

She saw President Obama on the tv the other day. She said "Mom, that's Obama! He's the Presient." She's known who Obama was for close to a year (around election time she learned who he was), but it shocks me that she remembers who he is, and knows he's the President. Now, she doesn't understand how important the President is or what is role is, but she knows he's important. Smart girl!

I know there's more but these are just the ones I wrote down.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

For the most part we had a pretty relaxing weekend. Memorial day weekend always seems to be busy but we just stayed at home for the most part. The pictures are backwards (my pet peeve with blogger) so we'll start on Sunday.

On Sunday, we went fishing with Grandma and Grandpa. It was horribly mugging out and pretty much started horribly. Collier fell into some ashes that were from a fire, what I didn't know was that the ashes were still hot. :( :( So we had to take him to the ER, luckily only his right foot was injured. He had a couple nasty blisters on his big toe and pinkie. I am very thankful that it was only his foot.

Sleeping in the car. We just got home from the ER.

Before the "accident". We went to the Bay, don't know how I let Wyatt talk me into the Bay instead of a pond. Not a fan of the Bay at all.

Our little Diva! Fishing with style!

On Saturday, we set up the pool for the kids. They pretty much played in it all day.

She insisted on wearing the floaties...goof!

Little man!

All smiles!

So cute!

She thinks she's a little model!

On Friday we ran some errands. We were looking at flowers and plants at WalMart and Brenna insisted on getting a watermelon plant. I figured if were going to get watermelon mine as well get tomatoes, squash, peppers, etc. So we came home and planted a "garden". It's a ghetto garden! I had intentions to tilling a garden area and never got around to it, so I planted the plants in containers. We already have some plants coming up, and the tomato plants have flowers on them. Next year, I will make sure we actually till up an area and have a BIG garden. The ghetto garden is doing just fine though, and it's a great learning experience for B.

Can't believe I got them both smiling!

Watering the "ghetto garden".

Bubby thinking he needs to help.

Don't laugh! hahah! The garden!