Monday, June 21, 2010

Zoo Field Trip

Last Tuesday (6-15) Brenna and I went on her school field trip to the Niabi Zoo. I was pretty excited to go because last year Collier was just a little one and I had to stay home with him. It was a lot of fun watching her interact with all of her friends. I have to say that it makes me very proud to know that she gets along with EVERYONE. Obviously, I adore her, but its nice to know that her classmates as well as her teachers do as well.

On a bus for the first time! Anyone who knows Brenna knows that she is obsessed with "Baby Buses". We live next to the Junior High and she used to love watching the buses come and go. She's not obsessed as she used to be, but she still loves them and was very excited to ride a bus.

Sad. I wanted to keep feeding the fish and she didn't.

Riding the pony.

The Giraffes!

With some of her friends!

Playing before lunch.

We spent the first part of the zoo trip walking around with Brenna's friend Bodie and his Mom. Then we met up with Brenna's teachers and the children that were with them. All Brenna cared about was walking around with her friends. I really think she could have cared less if I was there. :( She's growing up! We had a lot of fun, and I can't wait to go on more school trips with her.

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