Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random post

This is just a random post. Just little things the kids are doing that I have forgot to put in the blog.


*He blows kisses, has been for about a month now. Very, very, cute!

*He does the shhh thing. But instead of putting his finger up to his lips he puts it in his mouth and says Shhhh!

*He is refusing to drink out of sippy cups. He wants real OPEN cups. Oh boy! He does fairly well at it, but sometimes gets the shock of spilling all over himself.

*He has starting sitting on the potty. He doesn't go on the potty, but just sitting on the potty is a good start. I'm not potty training him, but I think its important to get him comfortable with the potty. He just grins and grins when I set him on there.

*He beat boxes. Hahah....well kind of. On Yo Gabba Gabba there is a "Biz's beat of the day". If we say It's Biz's beat of the day he starts "beat boxing". LOL! It's pretty cute!

*He loves putting things in the dogs' kennels. You'll often find shoes, toys, the remote, my phone, etc. in the kennels.

*He LOVES giving kisses.

*He is learning that certain things go together. For example, if I put his shoes on he goes to the door and starts waving bye. He knows its bye-bye time. He knows certain toys go together, or that the remote controls the tv. He's starting to notice the relationship between things

*Some new words include: down, done, duck, ball, night-night, and up. I would say he says about 3o-35 words. I have no idea if that is good or not. I usually don't pay attention to the "This is what your kid should be able to do at a certain age".

*He loves food, and when he eats he constanly says MMMMM!

***Okay, we were just talking about Obama and I swear he's saying Bama, Bama, Bama....lol!

*He also loves to tickle. He'll come up to you and "tickle you" and say tick, tick, tick. He thinks its hilarious!

*He also loves to give raspberries. If he sees my belly he instantly starts giving me "belly blows" as we call them. And of course when I laugh, he keeps doing it more!

Some recent Brenna funnies.

Brenna: Mom I have to go the bathroom.
Me: Okay.
Brenna: You watch Bubby, o-tay!!!
Me: haha...okay Brenna I'll watch him.
Sometimes she thinks she's the little Mommy!

Conversation we had at the doctor's office bathroom.
Brenna: **Sitting on the toliet** Hey Mom, apple juice makes my pee, and food makes my poopie.
Me: yep! That's pretty much how it works.

Brenna was petting Lola and then said Hey Mom! Lola has lots of boobies on her belly, that's funny! Then pointing to her "boobies" she said, My boobies are up here!

She saw President Obama on the tv the other day. She said "Mom, that's Obama! He's the Presient." She's known who Obama was for close to a year (around election time she learned who he was), but it shocks me that she remembers who he is, and knows he's the President. Now, she doesn't understand how important the President is or what is role is, but she knows he's important. Smart girl!

I know there's more but these are just the ones I wrote down.

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