Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Falling down the stairs........

When we were looking at this house to buy (over 2 years ago) one of my biggest concerns was having a child fall down the stairs. And a couple weekends ago that happened. It was absolutely terrifying. Here's the story.

Lola, 60 lb-clumsy dog, had ran upstairs. Well she's not allowed upstairs because she tears things up. So I ran up after her, and Collier followed me up. I didn't think much of it. He's great on the stairs, goes up and down them all the time. When I got to the second landing, Collier was at the first landing (so 13 stairs). I yelled at Lola, and she came running and turned the corner and before I could do anything she bumped Collier backwards. Him falling down the stairs probably lasted 3 seconds, but to me it felt like a lifetime. It was so slow motion, and there was absolutely nothing I could do. I watched him roll head over heels down the steps several times, and I screamed bloody murder. Brenna was about 6 or so steps up, and I'm very glad he didn't hit her and knock her down as well. I felt awful for Brenna because she was so upset. Once Collier hit the floor I rushed to him. He was screaming. Okay....that's good. That means he's still alive (I know that sounds awful but it was a long and hard fall). I gathered him up immediately and started cuddling him and checking him over. I called Mimi who is a nurse, and after her calming me down and assuring me he was probably fine, I was able to breathe a little. I called Wyatt to come home though, since I thought an ER trip was necessary. He might have been acting okay, but I'm not a nurse/doctor and had no idea if he had any head trauma (most of the fall/tumbles were on his head).

Once we got to the ER we had to wait around an hour or so. This was very unusual because it usually isn't that busy (at least anytime we've been). When we got there we knew the little guy was okay. He was acting like a monster. Messing up the Christmas tree, running and hiding from us, and tormenting his sister and cousin. :-) Once we got back to the room they looked him over real quick and said it looked like he was just fine. The doctor said they could do a CT scan if I really wanted it, but they would have to sedate him. In my opinion and the doctor's it wasn't worth the risk of sedating him. At the point if he had any head trauma it would definitely be showing. So then we went home!!

I can't put into words how blessed we are. This accident could have become very serious. It's scary to think about what could have happened. I'm just glad we have some angels watching over us. :-) They kept my little guy safe. :-)

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