Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

I know I still haven't posted Christmas pictures, but I'm gonna go ahead and jump ahead, I will eventually post Christmas pics.....

Since Valentines was on a Monday this year, and Wyatt and I work opposite shifts we decided to celebrate that weekend. And by "we" I mean our family. We're not really into the whole Valentine's Day thing as a couple. I don't think we've ever gone out to celebrate, and now that we have the kiddos, we take advantage of the day and celebrate the love within our family. :-)

So, Saturday I went shopping and got the kid's their presents, I also went and bought a kinect for the xbox, which we all LOVE! :-) So glad we got it. Then we had supper with Mimi and Poppy, and they watched the kids play the kinect. They also gave each kid a book and sucker for Valentine's Day. We also went to Borders that day, and Collier loved it. Brenna was at home sick, so it was just him, and he was absolutely in love with all the books. :-)

Sunday, Brenna had gotten sick through the night, so her and I were downstairs sleeping. She woke up about 6:30 and saw the presents I had wrapped for them. She was so excited and wouldn't leave me alone about them. I told her she had to wait until her brother woke up, so for the next hour she waited, and bugged me about opening the presents, and waited, and bugged get the idea. Finally, Bubby awoke and it was present time. We got Bubby this huge Plex pillow (from Yo Gabba Gabba), and a new YGG book. We got Brenna a set of BOB books, a new fancy nancy book, and some barbie clothes. They each got a sucker and a small box of chocolates. Bubby was more excited about the candy, and Brenna loved her Barbie clothes. :-)

Later, we finished B's school valentines and made some valentine's day cookies. :-) We had a fun weekend! :-)

I didn't take any pictures that day, SHAME ON ME!! Oh well......we were too busy having fun!

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