Saturday, October 10, 2009

Small Talk Six!


6 unconventional things you think people should celebrate by throwing a party

This blog has pretty much just been about the kids, but I figured I would try to spice things up a bit! :)(Stole this from another blog)

6 unconventional things you think people should celebrate by throwing a party

Hmmm....this is a tough one!

1. I def. think potty training is a reason to throw a party! Lets celebrate that my kid doesn't poop their pants anymore! ;)

2. Pretty much any milestone my children accomplish! I think everything they do is amazing and they should always be celebrated!

3. Relationship party. I'm not married. I don't plan to be married ever. But dammit I would like to throw a kick ass reception and have people celebrate! And instead of wedding gifts, people can give me relationship gifts! :)

4. Kids sleeping through the night. I would still not be able to throw this party, but maybe it would give Brenna an incentive to sleep through the night if she knew a there would be a party.

5. Umm...why aren't there Mother's Day Parties?!!? I think that's a must!

6. about a "I got all my homework done and I don't have to spend the whole weekend doing it" party! LOL! Sorry...couldn't think of anything else! :)

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