Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm officially the mother of a THREE year old!!!

Brenna turned three last Wednesday! We celebrated by taking cupcakes to school and then after school we went to Walmart to spend her b-day money. She bought play make up (yes...I actually let her), a cash register, and play-doh. We came home and played outside a little bit, it was a beautiful day! Then Grandma Fisher brought over another present for B. It was just a nice laid back day.

3 year old stats:


You are an amazing little girl. Everyday you make me more proud. You are constantly accomplishing new things. I love how you are so compassionte. I also love how sassy you are! You def. have an opinion on EVERYTHING and you let EVERYONE know your opinion. I love that you love to cuddle and how you talk baby talk to Bubby and tickle him. You are such a great big sister! You are very funny, and you make everyone laugh. I think you get that from your daddy. I love that you know the words to Taylor Swift songs better then I do, and that you constantly want yo listen to your girl! I love how you get excited about so many things! Never lose that excitement about life! I love that you want to be like me, and want to do everything Mommy does! I love that you have to change clothes at least 5 times a day and if you could you would live in a princess dress. I love that you get so excited about learning. I know that you are growing up, but you will always be my baby girl. I love you.


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