Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brenna is 4!

This year we had B's party at the park. It was a beautiful day, and we really enjoyed the day with family and friends. (Although it was bittersweet because a very important person was not there, although she was there in spirit). I think the park is definitely the way to go! The kids had a blast, and I had very little clean up. :-)

After her party she came home to a nice suprise from Aunt Tatie.

Our little Minnie Mouse!

Blowing out candles!

Iron Man 2!! Her fave!

The little brother!

The girls!

The birthday girl with her cake. The cake didn't turn out as expected, but B was impressed.

*If I remember correctly she weighs 33 lbs and is 37 inches tall. She's a little thing!

*She wears a 3-4t in shirts, 4t pants, and a size 8 for shoes.

*She is in love with super heroes. She loves watching Iron Man, Spiderman, Jackie (a Jackie Chan cartoon), and Avatar.

*She still loves everything Princess, and she has recently really got into Barbies.

*She is a rock star when it comes to the alphabet and writing. She is still working on numbers and understanding the whole number concept. She absolutely LOVES to learn. She is always asking to do her "homework".

*She loves music. Taylor is still her fave, but she will listen to pretty much anything if she can dance to it. She still calls Taylor her girl, and she says that Lady Gaga is my girl...haha.

*She loves having her picture taking, and she immediately strikes a pose when you get the camera out.

*Her favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese and popcorn...lol.

*She is absolutely fool of personality. She is sassy one minute, being the class clown the next, and then she is a little cuddling sweetheart too.


You are an absolute joy, and I don't think I could be more proud to be your Mother. The things you say make me laugh and smile, and I love your sassy and silly attitude. You are beyond smart, and I'm so proud that you have such a drive for learning. You are a great big sister, and you take pride in your role. I hope you continue to have such a big heart and kind spirit. You are a true blessing, and I love you very much.

Hugs and Kisses,


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