Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Just a quick little post about the kids. I had some things that I wanted documented. :-) (Side note--not sure what's going on with the different fonts...I can't get it to all match.)

These days I hear a lot of talking from these kids! Obviously, Brenna talking isn't anything new, but the complexity of her conversations is growing and she understands way more than most kids her age (I think so anyway). She has a crazy memory, and I'm just amazed at the things she says.

Collier is a little talking fool! I'm also amazed by this because Brenna didn't really start talking until she was 2. And she literally woke up one day and started having full conversations. I also have 2 nephews that didn't speak this much. Obviously, the fact that he has little kids around him has helped. Collier can say pretty much anything. He is literally picking up a new word everyday. He is also starting to say sentences. Some new words are Mimi, Papa, Ray-Ray (his cousin), meanie, mine, juice, lay down (today he said "lay down Mama"). Those are just the new words of that I can remember of the top of my head. Before I know he's going to be talking as much as Sissy.

"Mom, you know I'm not gonna be 4 for ever." I said, "yes, I know this." Then she said, "Pretty soon I'm gonna be 5, then 6, then 7, then 8, then I'm gonna be big and be a Mommy." I said, "I know someday your going to grow all up." Then she said, "But I'll be your baby girl for always!"

The following is just some little things, I have posted on FB that B has said. I wanted them here in the blog, so I just did a quick copy and paste.

"Mom, you know I'm not gonna be 4 for ever." I said, "yes, I know this." Then she said, "Pretty soon I'm gonna be 5, then 6, then 7, then 8, then I'm gonna be big and be a Mommy." I said, "I know someday your going to grow all up." Then she said, "But I'll be your baby girl for always!"

Conversation I had with B. Me: Brenna go pick up your toys! B: But whose going to help me? Me: I'm not helping you, but I can guarantee I will help you throw them away if you don't go pick them up. B: I'm not helping throw my toys away. Me: I'll throw them away by myself. B: You don't throw them away, you just put them... on the front porch. See Mom **walking to the window** I can see them out there.

A Brenna Random: "Hey Mom, don't forget to get the deers some food." Me: Ummm...okay. B: "You know the Christmas deers?" Hahah! Someone's excited for Christmas!

She told him that she doesn't like the Bears, she loves the packers. haha! First the Vikings now the Packers, she sure does know how to break her Dad's heart. ;-) She told her Dad in a very serious tone, "Dad, I don't like bears. They have big teeth and they wil...l bite me!" Haha. Such a silly girl!

Brenna just said, "Wyatt, I really like the purple team. I want them to win, because purple is my favorite color!" I love purple and pink!" She was talking about the Vikings..lol. Wyatt's a hardcore Bear's fan....lol. (Oh..and yes she thinks she needs to call her Dad, Wyatt..drives me nuts!)

B is sad. She said she wants a big sister and she doesn't think it's fair that Bubby gets a big sister and she doesn't....hahah. I told her I couldn't help her out with that one. I asked her if she wanted a baby sister and she said, "NO MOM! I told you no more babies!" hahah!

Brenna was just showing Collier pictures of him when he was a baby. She said, "That's you Bubbers. I was so proud of you, and you're my baby brother forever!" I could cry! Such a sweet little girl and proud big sister.

I was just looking at pictures of my children, thinking how precious they are. Then.....I hear a very sassy girl say, "MOM! Get in here and wipe my booty!"

Just argued with Brenna about "Super Why's" real name being Wyatt. I said it wasn't, she was just hearing things. I looked it up online, she's right. She said, "see mom, I'm right, you're wrong." Guess I should leave the cartoon trivia to her

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