Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm thankful for.......

Thanksgiving is here again! Each year, it seems like I have more and more to be thankful for. I've really been trying to count my blessings ALL year long, but Since it's Thanksgiving, I think it's a great time to actually write them all out.

1. Healthy Kids. I think in everyday life it's easy to forget how big of a miracle it is that your children are healthy. It's not a given that we will have healthy children, and it's definitely something to thank God for everyday. Not only are my kids healthy, but they are smart and funny. My kids are an absolute blessing! They always make me so proud!

2. Wyatt. Okay..he drives me absolutely batty and I could probably strangle him 80% of the time.....but I love him. :-) I am so blessed to have such an amazing father for my children. To say he's amazing is an understatement. He's a 100% hands on dad! He gets up every morning with the kids (I'm at work) and takes care of them. I NEVER have to worry about them when they are with him. To me that should be a given, but I'm finding out that most dads we know aren't like him. I'm proud to say that he's my baby daddy. ;-)And again, he drives me nuts, but he's good to me. He accepts and loves me even at my worse. I don't even know if I like myself at my that's saying a lot. ;-)

3. My parents. Okay..again...they drive me crazy. Usually after a couple hours with them, I'm ready to hide somewhere. Plus,their daily calls and treating me like a 12 year old can get old, but I love them. They're great. Once I had kids, I was able to truly understand how much they love me. And I'm pretty sure they love my kids like 10x more, so I'm grateful that we have such supportive people in our lives.

4. Great friends. Need I say more?!? Everyone needs great friends. I have friends that understand my busy and crazy life. They get me. They get my humor and sillyness. They laugh with me and they're also there to listen when I'm a crying hot mess.

5. Wyatt's job. Wyatt was laid off this time last year, so it's great that he is working now. Very, very, grateful that he works a job that he likes and is able to provide for us.

6. My job. I have a job that I like, and I get to work with a great group of people I get to be "Miranda" for 5 hours a day, and then I get to come home and be "Mommy". I absolutely love working part-time, and I'm so grateful that I work for a company that understands I am Mommy first. :-)

7. And of course I'm thankful for a warm house to live in and warm food in our bellies.

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