Sunday, March 7, 2010

Collier is 11 months!!!!

And the countdown is on for the 1st birthday!

I think the biggest thing that has changed in the last month is that, Collier is walking, and almost running. On 2/6 he pretty much just took of walking and he's non-stop now!

I also started him on whole milk....GASP....yes I did this early. He wasn't wanting to take formula and he was spitting up constantly, so I started giving him milk and he's doing great with it! He still BF at night, but he no longer nurses during the day. He still takes a couple bottles (of milk). It's hard to wean him from bottles when Daddy's around so I'll be working on this in the next couple weeks.

He's still waking up about once at night, not a big deal. He nurses and goes right back to sleep. He has started waking up very early (5:30-6). That kind of stinks and makes for some tired days. He is usually taking 1 nap a day and he goes to bed about 7.

He weighs about 22lbs and wears 12-18 month clothing. His sleepers are still 9 months, and they seem to be fitting just fine. He's in size 4 diapers, and he wears a size 5 shoe....yes...he has huge feet.

He had his first medicine required illness this month. He had a very red throat and fluid in his lungs, so Dr. Marc (our new doctor) prescribed and antibiotic and cough medicine. He's doing good now, and is almost 100%.

He now has 4 teeth!

New words: hi, here, go, come. He likes to tell Lola to GOOOO, and he was pounding on the bed today telling Carly (our new puppy) to COME! haha!

He continues to be a bottomless pit! I can't keep the kid full!

When people leave the house, he walks to the front door waving and sometimes say "bye"! It's cute but also kind of sad. He seems to be sad if his sister leaves without him.

He was also trying to jump today. Obviously his feet didn't go off the ground but he was making the motion. Wyatt would say JUMP and Collier would try. He saw Brenna jumping and instantly started making the motion. He wants so bad to do what Sissy does.

What else!?! I know I have to be forgetting something! He's just such a happy little boy and he brings so much happiness to our lives. He makes us laugh everyday! He's kind of a little brute and loves to wrestle with Brenna, and wins quite often! He has a thing for pulling hair, and Brenna often has to deal with this.

I have a couple more post to write! I've been so busy with grad school, the kids, and painting the house! Hopefully, I'll find some more time write!

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