Monday, March 8, 2010

An update on my favorite little girl!

Brenna is doing great! She learns about 100 new things a seems like that! In Feb. she learned how to spell her name. Her teachers were really impressed, and couldn't believe that she could spell it.

A couple days ago, Wyatt accidentally deleted all of B's shows on the DVR. This meant no more Spider-man 2 or 3. She was pretty mad about it. Luckily, Spider-man 3 was on again and we were able to record it. At least we were able to have a couple days of no Spider-Man! Now she's just missing Monsters Inc., Wall-E, Tinkerbell, etc. Wyatt told her we would just go buy those movies for her.

She is doing great helping take care of Carly! She also continues to help out with Bubby. We are really ready for spring to come, she needs to get outside and play!

She's really into puzzles right now. She loves to doing actual puzzles or ones on the internet. She's really good at them too!

We found out that she's lactose intolerant, which I had suspected for about 5 months. She was having quite a bit of issues when she drink milk, but now she's good to go as long as she drinks her "special milk".

We recently started a reward jar for her. We got a small vase and those stones things that are in centerpieces and beta fish vases. She gets a stone for doing good things like: helping with Carly or her brother, picking up her toys, going potty by herself (she likes to make her dad take her). And then of course we take one away for bad things. Once she fills the jar up or gets so many stoens (haven't figured out for sure) then she gets a treat. She chose a movie, so hopefully a good movie will be out! She loves getting a stone, and of course she freaks out if one gets taken away. I'm hoping this helps with her fit throwing.

Thursday, I'm suprising her by taking her to Storytime Live. Dora, Backyardigans, Ni Hao, and Wonder Pets are the acts that are coming. Krista and Ray-Ray are coming with, so I know she'll have a blast!

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