Friday, April 2, 2010


my baby boy turns ONE! Technically he will turn 1 at 5:05 pm! It was love at first sight, and he makes my heart melt everyday. Part of me can't believe that my son is ONE, but part of me also feels like he has always been a part of our family! People always say cliche things like, "I knew when x-child was born our family was complete", and I always thinks that's kind of silly...but it's so true! I really do feel like our little family is exactly how is supposed to be....AMAZING!

Some new things this month:

He is saying Thank you! He constantly says it!

He can get up on the furniture now by himself. This is not so fun, it means we can "hide" things from him on the furniture!

The swing is finally done. His chubby little butt is to heavy for it.

He is done breastfeeding completely. He hasn't nursed in probably 2 weeks. Which was fine with me!

He also says quiet! This makes me laugh, since he's usually yelling at the dogs.

He is constantly dancing! The minute he hears music the head starts bopping and the arms and legs start moving! You know how to break it down!

His stats are: 21 lbs...I know I said 22 before but he got weighed yesterday and it was 21 lbs.

28.5 inches

Wearing some 12months, 18 months, and some 24 months. Just depends!


You have been such an amazing blessing to our family. You love to laugh and smile, and you have the most mischievous grin! You love to get into things, and if you think you're in trouble you enjoy it so much more! You love keeping Mommy on her toes. You love to cuddle and obviously Mommy has no problem with this. You love to wrestle with your sister, steal her food and toys, and pull her hair! You two have an amazing bond, and I hope you always do. You're sister is very protective over are HER bubby. You are also so very ornery and stubborn. I can pull you away from the dog water (which is another one of your favorites) 20 times and you still go right back to it. You don't give up!

You also make your Daddy extremely proud. I think he's counting down the days until you can play baseball or go to Cub's games with him. He LOVES when you dance. He's proud that you got some "moves"! hahah! He also loves that you look just like him. His little twin. You're definitely a Momma's boy, but Daddy has a special place in your heart. You guys are buds.

Thinking about how much you have grown brings tears to my eyes...happy tears. You have grown into such a wonderful little boy and I never could have imagined how amazing you would be. I love you with all my being and I'm so excited to watch you grow. I hope you know that Mommy and Daddy will always love you, our love is unconditional. You are my baby boy....and you always will be.

I hope you have an amazing birthday tomorrow!

Such a beautiful baby boy! One year pictures to come tomorrow! :)

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