Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Playing Outside!

We played outside for a little while this morning, so of course I took some pictures. Enjoy. :-)

Just a pretty tulip! Tulips are one of my favorite flowers so I love that we have them in our yard.

My dandelions that Brenna picked for me! I think we all remember picking dandelions for our parents, so it's cute that B picks them for me.

Back in our "jungle"!

Yes...Collier was outside in his pjs with no shoes....yes...I am "that mom"...haha!

We haven't got Collier a baby swing yet, but this works well.

Whwn Wyatt got up Collier would still his chair...lol! It was cute!

Riding the 4-wheeler! He was able to push the button a couple times by himself.

On of our lilac bush. I LOVE that we have 2 lilac bushes. My parents have 1 and it just reminds me of my childhood. I remember picking my Mom lilacs, and now my little girl is picking them for me. :-)

The other lilac bush.

Brenna with her lilacs! She said they were for Aunt Katie's wedding. Aunt Katie's wedding is in October....lol!

She kept posing and tell me to take another picture.

Another pose....lol!

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