Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fun, Busy.....we're all tired!

Today was Collier's first birthday. It definitely didn't happen as I imagined. I had planned on us going to the church's Easter egg hunt, then to lunch and a little shopping, visiting with Aunt Katie, a nice supper with my parents, followed by opening presents when Daddy got home, and eating some cake. But when a 1 yr old is involved then you really don't have a say in what!

First of all, we didn't wake up until 9am! The kids are almost always up before 7am so I didn't think I needed to set an alarm. So...we missed the Easter egg hunt. :( We decided to go for a late breakfast and Mimi and Poppy joined us. Then we did a little Easter shopping. We got the kiddos some really cute summer outfits!

Then we came home and Aunt Katie came over to visit with the kids. She brought Collier a bubble mower and Brenna some Tinkerbell bubbles. We dyed Easter eggs and Brenna had a blast with this! She must of spent an hour dying the eggs over and over again. Somehow the pictures didn't transfer over right so I lost all those pics. :(

Then we had supper....chicken sandwiches. So much for our "nice"! Collier fell asleep in the high chair, and was not in the mood to open up presents with Daddy got home. Poppy and I were working on putting together his Cozy Coupe car and this really caught his attention. He popped right up and wanted to play with the car. Krista, Ray, Grandma and Grandpa also came over briefly too see him. We all enjoyed him playing with his car. The he....aka...his big sister opened up his presents. He didn't really care much about the presents...he wanted the car! He loves the car!

We never did make it to the cake. :( Not a big deal, but I thought he should get some cake on his b-day. We'll just eat it tomorrow! :)

Now both kiddos are sleeping and dreaming about the Easter bunny coming. ;-)

All in all, it was a great day! Just didn't go quite as planned.

Some pictures:

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