*She is really liking the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show. She watches it every morning.
*She also really likes her Princess and the Frog movie and Spider-man.
*She continues to be very girly. She gets up everyday and MUST get dressed, even shoes, and her hair done.
*She is still obsessed with Taylor Swift! We have to listen to it in the car everywhere we go. I REALLY need T.S to come out with a new C.D!
*She is still really into puzzles, and does great with them. She can do the 48 pieces by herself!
*She doesn't really play with a lot of toys. She likes her books, dress up clothes, and barbies. She has started to pretend play with her Barbies, which is so cute!
*She is doing great at school! I am so glad she has so many friends, and her teacher adores her.
*She LOVES being a big sister. Today we were driving by the farm down the road and we saw the baby goats. I slowed down so she could see them, and I pointed out that there were baby goats. And she said, "And look! There's the big sister goat!" LOL!
Brenna at almost 6 months. (It's a little small...it was in my photobucket album).
Brenna at 18months!
Brenna at 2.5
Brenna today!
I liked this one too, I couldn't pick a favorite!
She is turning into such a beautiful little girl!
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