Monday, April 26, 2010

Ra-Ray turns 3!

Today is my nephew Rayden's birthday! His party was Saturday at Camden park and all the kiddos had a blast!

Happy Birthday Buddy!

The birthday boy!!

Bubby with his hat on. Very surprised he kept it on!

Best friends!

Opening up presents. Of course all the kids helped.

My little Bren Bren!

Singing happy birthday! Ray loved it!

Grandma sliding with Bubby!

Grandma "helping" Bubs slide!

LOVE her!

Such a big girl!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Brenna is officially 3.5!

Yesterday, Brenna turned 3.5, and its hard to imagine that she is going to be 4 in 6 short months. She talks about her birthday party almost everyday. I think right now she's leaning towards a Minnie Mouse cake, but I'm sure that will change!

*She is really liking the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show. She watches it every morning.

*She also really likes her Princess and the Frog movie and Spider-man.

*She continues to be very girly. She gets up everyday and MUST get dressed, even shoes, and her hair done.

*She is still obsessed with Taylor Swift! We have to listen to it in the car everywhere we go. I REALLY need T.S to come out with a new C.D!

*She is still really into puzzles, and does great with them. She can do the 48 pieces by herself!

*She doesn't really play with a lot of toys. She likes her books, dress up clothes, and barbies. She has started to pretend play with her Barbies, which is so cute!

*She is doing great at school! I am so glad she has so many friends, and her teacher adores her.

*She LOVES being a big sister. Today we were driving by the farm down the road and we saw the baby goats. I slowed down so she could see them, and I pointed out that there were baby goats. And she said, "And look! There's the big sister goat!" LOL!

Brenna at almost 6 months. (It's a little was in my photobucket album).

Brenna at 18months!

Brenna at 2.5

Brenna today!

I liked this one too, I couldn't pick a favorite!

She is turning into such a beautiful little girl!
I'm a little bored so I thought I would post some pics from the last 2 days.

Playing with chalk! (I have no idea why this is underlined).

Collier attacking me! The minute he sees the camera he's in my face trying to steal it! Little Stinker!

He was watching YGG and fell asleep, so Carly thought she would steal some cuddles.

He had a diaper rash the other day so I decided to let him run around nakey. Well he fell asleep! Notice where his hand! Typical boy! (Apparently, the couch is a little on the dirty side! Eeeek! Better get on that!)

She was all tuckered out from playing outside!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My wish list!

All day I get to hear about the many things Miss Brenna wants. The child has a wish list a mile long! lol! I'm a little bored, so here is my wish list!

A new camera! I would LOVE a new camera, and hopefully I will get one soon! Wyatt~this a hint for you! A new camera would make a GREAT birthday present. ;-) I don't need a expensive fancy one, but I would prefer a canon!

A pretty washer and dryer. Yes, the set I have work just fine, but they're not purty! ;-)

I want a hybrid SUV. It doesn't have to be a Tahoe or silver. I just want a vehicle we can all have room in and that looks pretty! I have a great car right now, but its on the small side. Plus, if someone wants to ride with they have to cram themselves in our car, or they have to drive themselves.

Need I say more?!?! I want to go on a vacation somewhere that looks like this! Well...screw it...I'm being greedy...I would like to wake up EVERYDAY to this!

I want an AMAZING kitchen, that's fit for a Chef! Love this kitchen!

A girl can wish right?!?! ;-)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pinkalicious Cupcakes!

Brenna and I decided to make some "pinkalicious" cupcakes.

Brenna mixing the ingredients.

Our pink batter.

Our pink frosting.

Yummy! She loved them, and said she was going to turn pink....hah!


Playing Outside!

We played outside for a little while this morning, so of course I took some pictures. Enjoy. :-)

Just a pretty tulip! Tulips are one of my favorite flowers so I love that we have them in our yard.

My dandelions that Brenna picked for me! I think we all remember picking dandelions for our parents, so it's cute that B picks them for me.

Back in our "jungle"!

Yes...Collier was outside in his pjs with no shoes....yes...I am "that mom"...haha!

We haven't got Collier a baby swing yet, but this works well.

Whwn Wyatt got up Collier would still his! It was cute!

Riding the 4-wheeler! He was able to push the button a couple times by himself.

On of our lilac bush. I LOVE that we have 2 lilac bushes. My parents have 1 and it just reminds me of my childhood. I remember picking my Mom lilacs, and now my little girl is picking them for me. :-)

The other lilac bush.

Brenna with her lilacs! She said they were for Aunt Katie's wedding. Aunt Katie's wedding is in!

She kept posing and tell me to take another picture.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some fun pictures!

The weather has been so wonderful the past couple days. It feels more like summer than spring! The kiddos have been enjoying outside time and we're trying to play outside a lot! The kids have really adjusted wonderfully to Wyatt's crazy work schedule. Bubby is a HANDFUL! Grandma Fisher and Krista watched him the other day for a couple hours and they both couldn't believe how "wild" he is! Debbie actually said she "praises" me and doesn't know how I do it! LOL! He definetely wears me out! He has another bottom tooth and another one is getting ready to come though. So he has almost 6 teeth. Brenna is doing really well! She is constantly talking about Aunt Katie's wedding. She is always finding one of her dresses and saying that she's wearing it to the wedding. The other day she picked flowers and said they were for Aunt Katie's! She's a little obsessed! She's also recently really into her barbie dolls. She LOVES her princess barbie dolls (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Tinkerbell, Mariposa, and Ariel) and even took them to show and tell. Her teacher, Connie, told Wyatt that she is the best behaved kid in the class and hates to see her go home. That is a HUGE compliment for a parent. Makes me very proud of her! Wyatt is also doing really good. He's been working at GPC for a month now. The changing schedule is a little hard for him to get used to it, but I think he likes it. I'm also doing really well. I'm in my second class of the MBA program, and I got an "A" in the first class. I'm trying to really focus on being a better "wife" to Wyatt. He works hard I want him to know he's appreciated. Sometimes I get a too caught up in how tired I am or how much stuff I have too do. I'm trying to realize that he's just as tired, busy, etc. I also started doing the HCG diet. I've lost over 5lbs in 4 days, and I'm really excited. I'm trying to find the "old" me!

Brenna got this for her 1st birthday and never played with it. Looks like Collier likes it!

My spaghetti-faced little model. Love her!

Carly! So cute.

Posing while blowing bubbles!

Bren and Bubs!

Bubby getting ready to ride his dump truck.

Bubby eating corn on the cob.

Bubby's Birthday Party!

Collier's party went really well and we had a lot fun. Little guy was tired though! The party started at 10:30 and he was out by 11:30! We were a little disappointed that our good friends Jim and Kristen, and their kids Evan and Jemma, and Jim's sister Sam and her daughter Maddy couldn't come. Their grandpa was rushed to the ER that morning. Luckily, he is doing okay now. But we still had a lot of fun!

Eating his brunch.

His banner!

His cake that I made!! :) The inside was a rainbow cake!

This looks like he's opening up the present, but he was just getting ready to climb on it. He didn't care at all about his presents. Brenna enjoyed "helping" open them.

His wagon that Grandma and Grandpa Fisher got him. I LOVE it!

Brenna and Ray playing while Collier napped.

Fell asleep eating his cake! Cute..huh?!?

What is this, Mommy? You should feed it to me more often!


Blowing out his candle (Sissy actually blew it out).

He looks EXACTLY like Wyatt in this picture!

Hey Mom!