Saturday, January 30, 2010

I was trying to post a ton of pictures of the kids from the last 2 weeks, but Blogger is not cooperating. Go figure. So....I figured I would post about ME....haha! (Its not really a fun post)

I feel really lost right now. I completed school about a month and half ago and I still don't have a job. Now this wouldn't matter at all except that Wyatt still does not have a job yet. Yes...we are both unemployed. Imagine the looks we get when we say that. I NEVER thought Wyatt would be laid-off this long. I thought maybe a couple months at the longest. Then a couple months turned into 6 months, and now we're working on NINE months of no work. Its hard. Its hard to not lose faith. Its hard to not imagine what could be. Its just hard
. Our spending habits have changed DRAMATICALLY, which I guess this is good. Maybe once Wyatt gets a job will still live on the unemployment budget and save a lot. ;-)

I just feel really down about it right now. Wyatt deserves a good job. He works hard and I just feel like we should have never of been put in this situation. I know things happen for a reason, but I guess that "reason" is hard to see right now. I know Wyatt has really enjoyed being home with the kiddos! He has such a great bond with both kids, so maybe thats the reason. Or maybe he will get a better job. I guess I just have to believe that everything will turn out GREAT. :)

I know we've been so blessed. We have 2 amazing children and I only worry because I want everything to be great for them. But none of its really THAT important. All my kids care about is kisses, hugs, late night snuggles, reading stories, building tents, coloring, dancing, singing, and unconditional love. That's all that really should matter. Yep....I feel better now. Just thinking about my children's beautiful smiles makes me realize that everything really is going to be okay. We have our family, how much more perfect could life be?


How can you not smile looking at them? :) I should just be thankful that I'm the ONE they call Mommy....well Bubby calls me Mama...but you get the point. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goodbye Grandma Mueller.......

Sunday night Wyatt's Grandma died. We got a call that morning that she had been taking to the ER via ambulance because she was having troubles breathing. We then got a call saying that she was going to be put on a ventilator. We went to the hospital and we're told things didn't look good. Grandma was put on the ventilator to see how things went. We went home since we had both kids with us. Later, Wyatt went back to the hospital because the were going to take Grandma off the ventilator (the family was told that she was brain dead). :( I'm glad Wyatt decided to go. All of her children and the majority of her grandchildren were at the hospital when she passed. I think that speaks measures of the type of mother, grandmother, and even great-grandmother she was. Her family adored her and she will be really missed. Its too bad our kids won't grow up knowing her. She fit the grandmother role perfectly and I know she enjoyed all the grandkids. I pray that her family can find peace with her passing and can find comfort knowing that she is with her husband and daughter, Karen. Its too bad our kids won't grow up knowing her. She fit the grandmother role perfectly and I know she enjoyed all the grandkids.
Brenna meeting Grandma Mueller for the first time. B is about a week old here!
I believe these pictures were taken one weekend when we all stopped up to see Grandma Mueller before we went to the fair. For some reason I can't label each picture individually. Aunt Krista and Rayden are the other one's in the pictures. Brenna was 10 months old and Rayden was 4 months old.
This is a sweet picture with her kissing Brenna.
These were in in May. Bubby was about 6wks old and Brenna was 2.5. Bubby really liked cuddling with her. Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket These are just some of the pictures we have. Some are on the laptop.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Just a little mid-January update!

I weighed Collier the other day on the wii fit and it said he weighed 19lbs 6oz. It said 19lbs 6oz twice and 19lbs 8oz once, so I figure he weighs right around 19 1/2lbs. He is consistently taking a couple steps (and up to 4) to get to things! We might have a walker SOON....scary! still! She just loves to play, learn, and have fun with all of us. She reminds us everyday that she is going to be 4 and have really, really, long hair like Mommy. haha...she's a goofball.

I applied to a couple part-time jobs that would be PERFECT for me! I'm feeling really optomistic about going to work part-time and I think I need this. I love that I can still focus on being a mommy, but I can also have some "MIRANDA" time!

Wyatt is still on the hunt for a job. He took a series of test for IPSCO/SAAB. He passed all but 1. :( But it was a test that was way beyond what he has done in the past, so I am very proud of him. He has 6 months to re-take the test, but we are going to wait to see if Kraft hires him. We're pretty sure they will hire him, its just a long process so we have to be patient.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our little artist.......

Brenna drew this of Wyatt. Not only do I think it is hilarious, I also think its REALLY GOOD!


Pictures from the 365 Project!

I'm actually really surprised that I have kept up with the 365 project. I take quite a lot of pics of the kids but not usually everyday. Some have been when they're sleeping since I forget. :)

Jan 2nd

Brenna got a bath and fell asleep before we could get her dressed.
We needed to go grocery shopping and this is how she looked when she got dressed. She was "out"!
We went to our good friends Jim and Kristen's house to watch the fight. Evan (their son) was nice enough to let Brenna watch Spiderman (her fave right now) on his PSP.
I had to get one of Collier when we got home. Sleeping it.

Jan 3rd

Looking out the window!
B sleeping.

Jan 4th

Cute! He loves baths, as long as their in the sink!

Still cute even with the dirty face!

Jan 5th

B napping! She told me she was tired and and she just took a nap. Very unheard of for B.

He loves the cabinets!

Jan 6th

Awww....they're all sleeping! (And yes...Wyatt has FINALLY cut his hair)

Jan 7th

Collier loves to be pushed around and Brenna loves to push him. Win-Win situation.

Jan 8th

He's so cute! I could just squeeze him!

I just thought this was cute! I can say he played with B's vanity when he's older.
Again...B sleeping. She absolutely refused to let me take a pic this day. She wigged out if I even tried. Can you say tempermental?!?!

Jan 9th

Playing the ds. Notice the "high-heel" shoes? She's a little diva!

Eating supper. Kind of out of it, he just woke up from a nap.

Jan 10th

Making a mess for Mama to pick up. Little Turkey!

Jan 11th

Chillin and eating doritos, watching spiderman, and holding her baby! Multi-tasker!

Chillin' in the playroom!

Jan 12th

Yes....Bub is letting Lola lick his hand....gross! (She's in the kennel for jumping on the highchair and trying to steal food)

With her babies, Jenny and Sam. :)

My silly little girl!

I thought it had been awhile since I made a post JUST about Brenna! So here goes!

Her favorite things to do:
Play her D.S.
Do Homework

She LOVES to play Mommy with her baby. She has probably 15 babies, but THIS baby..her blue baby is the! I hate this! It's one that you can't take the clothes off, so its all dirty and scurvy, and makes me cringe when she wants to take it somewhere. She named this baby Jenny. Cute...huh?!? Not for sure where she got the name but I thought it was a good one. Yesterday Wyatt and Brenna were at Walmart and she saw a new baby she wanted. Wyatt told her the only way she could get the new baby was if she threw the blue baby away. She agreed. (I was SHOCKED). She showed me the new baby when she got home, she named it Sam (from iCarly). But guess what....she is refusing to throw away! She says she just has 2 babies....okay Brenna. Maybe she will only take Sam with. ;)

She gets very serious when she's playing Mommy. She refuses to answer to anything besides Mama. She also makes us play roles. I'm usually Mimi. Bubby is usually the daddy and Wyatt is usually the grandpa or the big sister....ahahah! She also feeds and changes the baby. She's a good Mommy! She's also a very stylish Mom. She wears her princess high heels, princess dress, and her most stylish purse (usually Dora). She pushes her baby around the house pretending to talk on the phone and go grocery shopping. Wonder where she gets that?!? ;) You often get "yelled" out for waking her baby up. Gessh...excuse me Missy. She also will breastfeed her baby..but she's been doing that since Bubs was born. The other day she acutally put the baby underneath her shirt and told me she had a baby in her belly and needed to go the hospital. She's very detailed in this whole Mommy thing. :) I love that she likes to play "house". I can see that she tries to do the things I do and it def. shows that she's watching my every move. I hope I'm teaching her well.

*Right now her baby (Jenny) is sick and she's at the Doctor. She says she misses her and is going to drive to get her. :) LOVE her imagination!

Now on to the nintendo ds. The ds kind of annoys me. I honestly think she plays it a little to much. Its hard though because we can't go outside. She is actually pretty good at it. She seems to play Mario the most (she can actually beat some levels)! She also has "Littlest Pet Shop", "Smart Girls", "Disney Princesses", and "Barbie". She often runs to us for help and that can get a little! I can only play a certain Mario game so many times.

I love that Brenna loves to do her "homework". She has quite a few workbooks that she likes to do but her favorite thing to do is write letters. She is getting really good at it and can write 20 of the letters. She struggles with C,G,S,W,X,Z. I think that's EXCELLENT! She makes us very proud.

She is still enjoying school. Her best friend seems to be Janelle. She was also good friends with Autumn, but she moved to the "Bear" room. I was worried that she would be sad but she seems to be fine with it. I worried that when Janelle moves she will be sad. :(

She is still extremely SASSY! We are def. getting a taste of the mouthiness that comes with being 3. I try to accept some of it...if that makes sense. I want her to question things and I want her to have her own opinion, but I want her to have respect as well. Her biggest problem is FREAKING out if she doesn't get her way. If she does this she has to go sit on the stairs, and this seems to work. She def. test her Dad more then me, and he is learning that he can't let her win. She is having a hard time with Daddy being a litte more stern with her.

She has also become even more obsessed with washing her hands and brushing her teeth. I guess its a good thing but its a little weird too. Oh well..she always has clean hands and teeth. :)

Oh and I thought this was cute!
Last night I was making cookies and I cracked the egg. Brenna asked me where the chick was...hah! I told her that the Mommy chicken made the egg, but the Daddy chicken didn't make it a! I didn't really know how to explain that to her on the spot. She was fine with that explanation. :)

I just love watching her grow and become her own little person. She def. drives me crazy, but its a "good" crazy. She makes my brain work overtime! She asks a lot of questions and she just wants to learn. I'm hoping this sticks with her and she gets older.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm the mother of a 9 month old!!

Collier is 9 months old today! He will be ONE in 3 short months. :(

Collier continues to be such a laid back baby. He has his moments that he wants to cry and whine but he loves to just chill and play!

*He is taking about 2 naps a day. The time and lengths vary. He is still not sleeping through the night. He likes to tease us, but for the most part he wakes up 2-3 times a night.

*Like I have said before he eats everything. And in the past month we have started giving him the soft spout sippy cups, and he does really good with them. He is still nursing, but I do give him some formula. I can't pick out a favorite table food because he literally LOVES all food.

*I'm not sure how much he weighs. I would guess 18.5lbs. He will go to the doc next week so I should know then.

*He is still wearing 6-9 month clothing, but not for long...I see a shopping trip in the near future. He is in size 4 diapers, and I don't see this changing for quite awhile.

*He is still cruising everywhere. He has stood a couple times by himself and his is getting braver letting go of things. Last night he took a small step by himself! :) Brenna started walking at 9 months so it will be fun to see if he does as well. I am in no hurry for him to walk this early. I want him to stay babyish. When B started walking she turned into a little toddler, and I can wait for that to happen with Collier. He still crawls everywhere too. He is really fast at it and def. gets his little hips shaking.

*He loves to walk with his little walker. He gets so proud and has the biggest grin! He also really likes the learning chair and musical table, they continue to be his faves.

*He is saying Dada, hey, yeah, and Mama! I *think* he said bye the other day to Mimi. He also waves and gives kisses.

*He loves to play with his big sister and get into all her things! Usually Brenna doesn't mind and she enjoys entertaining him.

*He loves to smile and he has a very mischevious little grin when he knows he's doing something he isn't suppose to do. He has a beatiful laugh. He has learned to play peek-a-boo and just laughs and laughs when you play it with him.

*Baths are rough for him. He had a period where he hated them, then he liked them, now he hates them. I have actually started giving him a bath in the sink and he loves it.

*Still only 2 teeth. He has been working on the top ones for quite sometime, but they just won't come in. This is crazy because Brenna had like 6 teeth at this time. He also has found his tongue and he loves to stick it out and lick his lips. Its cute. He also found his little guy downstairs! ;) The minute you take his diaper off he starts playing with himself and just grins and laughs! Typical boy! ;)

Our little bubby is just such a joy in our lives! A wonderful, happy, beautiful little boy! God has really blessed us!

I will post pics later!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Some more pictures!

This is what happens when a certain big sister leaves her cupcake in reach of baby brother!

Tired Boy!

What Mom!?!?! I'm not doing anything!

Craft time!


Even Bubby does crafts!

They were playing in the cabinets together!

I'm going to try to do a 365 day project with the kids. So these are 1/1/2010 pics!

Playing in the dog kennel at Aunt Krista's! Yes, its gross, but I thought it was cute too! :)

He thinks its funny!

This is all B would give me. She was too busy playing with Rayden. She always has a blast at Aunt Krista's!

Goodbye 2009!!!

I can't believe that 2009 has come and gone. It was def. a rough year for us, but it was also one of the best years of my life because I gave birth to an AMAZING baby boy. I kind of thought I would do a recap of the year and summarize 2009 for our family!

I looked like this:
I was about 7 months pregnant with Collier!

Wyatt moved to working days at Allsteel and this was quite a big adjustment for our family.Brenna started school at the YMCA! I'm so glad we enrolled her there. I really think preschool has really help Brenna in so many aspects!
B's first day of "school".
We also took Brenna to Disney on Ice for the first time! This will continue to be a family tradition!

Nothing to exciting really happened. I ended up being sick with pneumonia pretty much the whole month. Not fun! :( Other then that just typical things and getting ready for the baby!

Again nothing to exciting. I think we just worked on the baby's room.
This is the finished product!

On April 3, 2009 we welcomed Collier Wayne Fisher into our family!
My babies!
We also took Brenna (and Collier) to Dora Live!

May was a rough month. I was admitted to the hospital on the 4th and had gallbladder surgery on the 8th. It was a very miserable time and I missed the kiddos like crazy. I spent a lot of time crying. :( Luckily, everything went fine and I was with my kiddos again. That same weekend we also had the kid's pictures taken.

Wyatt celebrated his 29th birthday! We spent the summer enjoying our family!

4th of July
Go Cubs!
We also went to the fair
Bubs sleeping at the fair
I celebrated my 23rd birthday. I also started my last semester at WIU!!!
This is pretty much how Brenna dressed this year!

Brenna moved to the Dolphin room at school!
All ready for bed!
Elvis, my childhood dog also passed away. :(

Collier turned 6 months!
Brenna turned 3!


Mimi was hospitalized because of complications from her foots surgery and has to stay with us for the time being.
Brenna was sick with H1N1 virus. :(

We celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family of 4!

We took Brenna to Disney on Ice again!

I graduated College!
Christmas Eve was spent out my house with Mimi and Poppy, and then Thomas and Collin. We had a nice quiet day just playing with the new toys.

Christmas morning we woke up an the Brenna opened up presents and then we had dinner and present time over at Aunt Julie and Uncle Rod's. This year was a lot of fun. We made reindeer food, made cookies for Santa, and wrote him a note. Santa also wrote B a note back. Brenna made Christmas really exciting. This year was probably our most relaxed Christmas and it was def. our best Christmas ever!






The treats in Collier's stocking was his favorite part!

Brenna loved pushing Bub around on his new toy!

Brenna at Aunt Julie's.

This is pretty much how Collier spent his Christmas afternoon. Cuddling with Uncle Ryan.

Brenna has grown so much in this past year. She became a BIG SISTER! She also went from a little girl that hardly said anything to little girl that won't stop talking. She still loves Taylor Swift. She loves the princesses, Tinkerbell, and Dora. She also has a new fascination for Spiderman (thank you Thomas). Her teacher is constantly telling us what a sweet child Brenna is. This makes me very proud! I love that she is so compassionate and caring. She has also learned A LOT this year! She is doing really good writing her letters right now. Her imagination has really started to show. She loves playing house and she has 1 special baby that she plays with. She also designates roles for all of us. Bubby is usually the Daddy, I'm the Mimi, and Daddy is the big sister....hahah! She also loves to cook for us and gets very serious about it. She also enjoys doing her "homework" and reading her books. I can't believe that this year she will be 4! Unbelievable how fast it is going, I'm truly enjoying every minute of her....even the sassy attitude that she gives often!

Collier has become the sweetest little boy. He is def. our laid back child. He enjoys playing on the floor by himself, or with sissy. He is easy to entertain and just loves being around us. I think his favorite toys would have to be the musical table or the learning chair. He also enjoys playing with B's toys and driving her nuts. He is saying Dada, Hey, Yeah, and Mama. He is also really close to walking. He loves walking with his walker toy. He gets the biggest grin on his face and just loves showing off for us! I can't believe that we were happy when he wasn't here. He has def. completed our family and made me a very happy Mama! I can only imagine how much he is going to grow in this next year!

I hope 2010 brings nothing but happiness for our family! I hope that we grow even closer and our kids blossom into even more amazing little people. I hope that we continue to make time for each other and that our family remains our number priority! I'm really excited to see how Brenna and Collier's relationship evolves. Hopefully, the only become closer.

I'm hoping that Wyatt gets a! We have 2 jobs opportunities that seem to be promising! Hopefully, the economy will shift a little to be on our side!

I really feel good about 2010!!!:)

Happy New Year!