Jan 2nd
Brenna got a bath and fell asleep before we could get her dressed.
We needed to go grocery shopping and this is how she looked when she got dressed. She was "out"!
We went to our good friends Jim and Kristen's house to watch the fight. Evan (their son) was nice enough to let Brenna watch Spiderman (her fave right now) on his PSP.
I had to get one of Collier when we got home. Sleeping baby..love it.
Jan 3rd
Looking out the window!
B sleeping.
Jan 4th
Cute! He loves baths, as long as their in the sink!
Still cute even with the dirty face!
Jan 5th
B napping! She told me she was tired and and she just took a nap. Very unheard of for B.
He loves the cabinets!
Jan 6th
Awww....they're all sleeping! (And yes...Wyatt has FINALLY cut his hair)
Jan 7th
Collier loves to be pushed around and Brenna loves to push him. Win-Win situation.
Jan 8th
He's so cute! I could just squeeze him!
I just thought this was cute! I can say he played with B's vanity when he's older.
Again...B sleeping. She absolutely refused to let me take a pic this day. She wigged out if I even tried. Can you say tempermental?!?!
Jan 9th
Playing the ds. Notice the "high-heel" shoes? She's a little diva!
Eating supper. Kind of out of it, he just woke up from a nap.
Jan 10th
Making a mess for Mama to pick up. Little Turkey!
Jan 11th
Chillin and eating doritos, watching spiderman, and holding her baby! Multi-tasker!
Chillin' in the playroom!
Jan 12th
Yes....Bub is letting Lola lick his hand....gross! (She's in the kennel for jumping on the highchair and trying to steal food)
With her babies, Jenny and Sam. :)
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