Monday, January 18, 2010

Just a little mid-January update!

I weighed Collier the other day on the wii fit and it said he weighed 19lbs 6oz. It said 19lbs 6oz twice and 19lbs 8oz once, so I figure he weighs right around 19 1/2lbs. He is consistently taking a couple steps (and up to 4) to get to things! We might have a walker SOON....scary! still! She just loves to play, learn, and have fun with all of us. She reminds us everyday that she is going to be 4 and have really, really, long hair like Mommy. haha...she's a goofball.

I applied to a couple part-time jobs that would be PERFECT for me! I'm feeling really optomistic about going to work part-time and I think I need this. I love that I can still focus on being a mommy, but I can also have some "MIRANDA" time!

Wyatt is still on the hunt for a job. He took a series of test for IPSCO/SAAB. He passed all but 1. :( But it was a test that was way beyond what he has done in the past, so I am very proud of him. He has 6 months to re-take the test, but we are going to wait to see if Kraft hires him. We're pretty sure they will hire him, its just a long process so we have to be patient.

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