Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm the mother of a 9 month old!!

Collier is 9 months old today! He will be ONE in 3 short months. :(

Collier continues to be such a laid back baby. He has his moments that he wants to cry and whine but he loves to just chill and play!

*He is taking about 2 naps a day. The time and lengths vary. He is still not sleeping through the night. He likes to tease us, but for the most part he wakes up 2-3 times a night.

*Like I have said before he eats everything. And in the past month we have started giving him the soft spout sippy cups, and he does really good with them. He is still nursing, but I do give him some formula. I can't pick out a favorite table food because he literally LOVES all food.

*I'm not sure how much he weighs. I would guess 18.5lbs. He will go to the doc next week so I should know then.

*He is still wearing 6-9 month clothing, but not for long...I see a shopping trip in the near future. He is in size 4 diapers, and I don't see this changing for quite awhile.

*He is still cruising everywhere. He has stood a couple times by himself and his is getting braver letting go of things. Last night he took a small step by himself! :) Brenna started walking at 9 months so it will be fun to see if he does as well. I am in no hurry for him to walk this early. I want him to stay babyish. When B started walking she turned into a little toddler, and I can wait for that to happen with Collier. He still crawls everywhere too. He is really fast at it and def. gets his little hips shaking.

*He loves to walk with his little walker. He gets so proud and has the biggest grin! He also really likes the learning chair and musical table, they continue to be his faves.

*He is saying Dada, hey, yeah, and Mama! I *think* he said bye the other day to Mimi. He also waves and gives kisses.

*He loves to play with his big sister and get into all her things! Usually Brenna doesn't mind and she enjoys entertaining him.

*He loves to smile and he has a very mischevious little grin when he knows he's doing something he isn't suppose to do. He has a beatiful laugh. He has learned to play peek-a-boo and just laughs and laughs when you play it with him.

*Baths are rough for him. He had a period where he hated them, then he liked them, now he hates them. I have actually started giving him a bath in the sink and he loves it.

*Still only 2 teeth. He has been working on the top ones for quite sometime, but they just won't come in. This is crazy because Brenna had like 6 teeth at this time. He also has found his tongue and he loves to stick it out and lick his lips. Its cute. He also found his little guy downstairs! ;) The minute you take his diaper off he starts playing with himself and just grins and laughs! Typical boy! ;)

Our little bubby is just such a joy in our lives! A wonderful, happy, beautiful little boy! God has really blessed us!

I will post pics later!

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