Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goodbye Grandma Mueller.......

Sunday night Wyatt's Grandma died. We got a call that morning that she had been taking to the ER via ambulance because she was having troubles breathing. We then got a call saying that she was going to be put on a ventilator. We went to the hospital and we're told things didn't look good. Grandma was put on the ventilator to see how things went. We went home since we had both kids with us. Later, Wyatt went back to the hospital because the were going to take Grandma off the ventilator (the family was told that she was brain dead). :( I'm glad Wyatt decided to go. All of her children and the majority of her grandchildren were at the hospital when she passed. I think that speaks measures of the type of mother, grandmother, and even great-grandmother she was. Her family adored her and she will be really missed. Its too bad our kids won't grow up knowing her. She fit the grandmother role perfectly and I know she enjoyed all the grandkids. I pray that her family can find peace with her passing and can find comfort knowing that she is with her husband and daughter, Karen. Its too bad our kids won't grow up knowing her. She fit the grandmother role perfectly and I know she enjoyed all the grandkids.
Brenna meeting Grandma Mueller for the first time. B is about a week old here!
I believe these pictures were taken one weekend when we all stopped up to see Grandma Mueller before we went to the fair. For some reason I can't label each picture individually. Aunt Krista and Rayden are the other one's in the pictures. Brenna was 10 months old and Rayden was 4 months old.
This is a sweet picture with her kissing Brenna.
These were in in May. Bubby was about 6wks old and Brenna was 2.5. Bubby really liked cuddling with her. Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket These are just some of the pictures we have. Some are on the laptop.

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