Saturday, January 30, 2010

I was trying to post a ton of pictures of the kids from the last 2 weeks, but Blogger is not cooperating. Go figure. So....I figured I would post about ME....haha! (Its not really a fun post)

I feel really lost right now. I completed school about a month and half ago and I still don't have a job. Now this wouldn't matter at all except that Wyatt still does not have a job yet. Yes...we are both unemployed. Imagine the looks we get when we say that. I NEVER thought Wyatt would be laid-off this long. I thought maybe a couple months at the longest. Then a couple months turned into 6 months, and now we're working on NINE months of no work. Its hard. Its hard to not lose faith. Its hard to not imagine what could be. Its just hard
. Our spending habits have changed DRAMATICALLY, which I guess this is good. Maybe once Wyatt gets a job will still live on the unemployment budget and save a lot. ;-)

I just feel really down about it right now. Wyatt deserves a good job. He works hard and I just feel like we should have never of been put in this situation. I know things happen for a reason, but I guess that "reason" is hard to see right now. I know Wyatt has really enjoyed being home with the kiddos! He has such a great bond with both kids, so maybe thats the reason. Or maybe he will get a better job. I guess I just have to believe that everything will turn out GREAT. :)

I know we've been so blessed. We have 2 amazing children and I only worry because I want everything to be great for them. But none of its really THAT important. All my kids care about is kisses, hugs, late night snuggles, reading stories, building tents, coloring, dancing, singing, and unconditional love. That's all that really should matter. Yep....I feel better now. Just thinking about my children's beautiful smiles makes me realize that everything really is going to be okay. We have our family, how much more perfect could life be?


How can you not smile looking at them? :) I should just be thankful that I'm the ONE they call Mommy....well Bubby calls me Mama...but you get the point. :)

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