Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Its that time again....Collier is 10 MONTHS!!!

Another month has gone by and my baby boy is another month older.

I would say that biggest change is that he is WALKING! He isn't A WALKER though, if that makes sense. He's doing more than just taking steps but walking isn't his main source of "transportation" so he isn't a walker. He has walked across the living room and dining room and he will randomly just let go of things and start walking, but then he falls to his butt and starts! He figures why take the chance of falling when he's got the crawling thing mastered!

He can also say cat and he is obsessed with the cats. Poor! They're pretty good about it and take their roughing up from him pretty well. Yesterday, Chancey had enough and scratch him a little bit. :( Hopefully, Collier will settle down a little bit and not try to kill the cats when he "pets" them. He loves to chase them screaming "CATTT, CATTTT"! :) We also thought we heard him say thank you today. He was mocking me and he said it several times and it sounded a lot like it. I could also be crazy too. ;) He says "yeah" constantly. Wyatt loves to tease him and ask him silly questions and Collier will say "yeah"...haha...we all think its pretty funny.

Still only 2 teeth. I'm pretty sure he's going to go to preschool with just 2 teeth. J/K His top ones are visible they look like they will break through any day. He's cute with just the 2 teeth so who cares! Still loving to eat and try new things. He nurses about 5x a day. Usually 2-3 times during the day and about 2-3 times at night, and then we supplement with formula. When he is 1 I definitely want his weaned during the day. Some might say that its horrible but I'm ready to be done nursing. I don't mind the night time nursing but the day time gets to me. It kind of makes me sad, but I'm also proud that I still nurse him at all! I would say right now we're about 50/50.

Still wakes up 2-3 times a night. It doesn't really bother me. 99% of the time he nurses and goes right back to sleep. Its our snuggle time. :)

He is obsessed with YGG! Yes...I am that Mother that lets my child watch that crazy show. It was just by chance that he started watching it. If I can't calm him down or if he just wants to be cranky pants we turn it on and calms right down! Its like a drug for him....haha! The more I watch it the more I think its actually a good show for kids. So I don't mind him watching it a couple times a day. I think we're actually going to do YGG has his birthday theme. :)

I would guess he weighs 20lbs. He wears a lot of 6-9 month clothing. He does have some shirts and jeans that are 6-12 or 9-12. I think we might make it through winter without buying anymore winter clothes. Which is great, it just means I can spend more money on spring and summer clothes!

He loves taking baths now in the tub. He thinks he's a big boy and constantly stands, which gives me a heart attack.

He has a bad habit of pulling hair! He'll go over and tackle Brenna and pull her hair. :( He's already mastering the role of annoying little brother. They actually play well together and generally Brenna loves playing with him.

He's still such a great baby but he is slowing mastering the tantrum and crying thing. He definitely lets you know when you've pissed him off!

He can get off furniture by himself. Its cute he crawls to the edge then reverses and turns around and just gets down. Makes it look like he's been doing it forever.

I look forward to the next month and am excited to see what new "tricks" he learns!

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