Friday, February 5, 2010

An amazing big sister!

Everyday I am in awe of have good of a big sister Brenna is. She's always very concerned about her Bubby and she has been since he was born.

This morning she was leaving for school and I told her the usual, "be good, be nice, have fun, and eat your breakfast and lunch." Then she ran into the living room and said, "Wait Mom! I haven't kissed my Bubby!" So she kissed him and then ran off without even kissing me! I guess I know where I am in her priorities! ;) She always is always telling us that her Bubby needs something. She'll tell me that Bubby needs booby and she tells her Dad that Bubby needs a bottle (Wyatt does bottle feedings). If *she* thinks I'm being to *stern* with Bubby, she reminds me to be nice to *her bubby*. :)

She truly loves her brother and I know he absolutely adores her! He seems lost when she's not here! I hope that their relationship grows even stronger and that they are best friends.

It makes me happy to know, how happy Brenna is as a big sister. When we found out I was pregnant, our first concern was How will this affect Brenna?!?! And now I think, Wow..all children should have at least one sibling, it really is the best gift we could have ever given either child! When Wyatt and I are gone, (hopefully) they will have each other. I'm hoping that they can always count on one another when life isn't going their way. I hope that when they're teenagers and they're not comfortable talking to us, they can talk to each other, I hope they share secrets and have a united front against us "rents"!

I love their bond and it makes me very proud! :)

Some of my favorite pictures of my 2 favorite people! (There are quite a lot)

Meeting each other for the first time! Love at first sight!











This is what life is about!

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