Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shoe shopping, family museum, and family night!

We've had a fun and busy week! We went shoe shopping and out to eat with Mimi and Poppy. We also went to the family museum and to Brenna's family night and book fair. Wyatt's also been busy with job interviews! Yay!

Feb. 10th

Brenna and Collin. Getting a 19th month old and 3 year old to look at the camera and smile at the same time is HARD!

Lola and Bubby cuddling! Anytime one of the kids is sleeping Lola thinks she has to get right next to them. (I know it looks like Bubs is being smothered, but I promise he was fine).

Feb. 11th

Brenna has started taking showers by herself. We still wash her hair and face, but she does her body.

Bubby kissing the "other baby".

Feb. 12th

Mimi promised Brenna she would take her to buy some new Sketchers! We were finally able to go and it was a LONG shopping trip. I'm not exaggerating when I say we had to go to TEN stores before Brenna found the PERFECT pair. Bubby got some new shoes as well and it was fun to see Brenna so excited about shoes. ~Typical girl~! Afterwards we played in the play area at the mall and then we went to supper at Montana Jacks! MMMM! Delicious!
Playing at the Mall.

Bubby loved walking everywhere!

Brenna sliding. We had a little bit of an issue with an older boy not wanting to share the slide. His Mom pretty much just sat there and watch her son bully my daughter. I had to fight the urge not to slap her....okay...I'm joking...kind of. ;-)

Feb. 13th
I was laying in bed at like 11pm and I suddenly remembered that I hadn't taken the kids pictures for the day, so I had to get sleeping ones.

Do you see what B's wearing? She insisted on wearing a summer dress to bed. She also insisted on wearing it inside out and backwards....she's a weird one. :-)

Feb. 14th

We had a great Valentines Day. I had bought each of the kids a little candy and then we went to the Bettendorf Family Museum and then out for pizza!
Brenna and Daddy in the apple tree.

Playing in the store.

Bubby playing with the train set.

She was really interested in the human body!

Learning about clouds.
Brenna driving.

Bubby's turn to drive.

Bubby loved walking everywhere!

Inside the human heart!

Feb. 15th

Brenna in her new Cinderella dress!


Brenna's school had a Family night with the theme being snow. They had fake snow out for the kdis to play in and pancakes for the kids to make into snowmen. There was also a book fair (my favorite part).
Playing in the snow!

Bubby walking.

Making the snowmen pancakes.
Yesterday, after Brenna got out of school, we went to Aunt Krista's to play. I didn't have my camera so I wasn't able to take pictures, but Krista did so I'll get those from her to post. :-)

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