Friday, February 5, 2010

How about a blog about Wyatt?!?!

Where to start with Wyatt...first of all, he's the most amazing father. Yes...I know a lot of women claim this, but I really do have the number dad over here. We were watching "Teen Mom" the other day and Dr. Drew was saying that men really don't have that bond that moms have with their children. I told Wyatt that I didn't think that was true with him. He has an undeniable bond with our children. He is absolutely 100% in love with them! I have never seen a dad have such an amazing bond with their children! I thank God that he is the father of my children!

So...I might complain a lot about Wyatt not helping me with housework or saying stupid things. But I never take the time to praise him! I'm not always the most pleasant person to be around. I can be snotty, moody, etc. A lot of times this is from stress. My #1 stress was school (so glad that's done). But when I was being...ahemmmm....bitchy...Wyatt took it. He let me be rude and mean. He let me take it all out on him. He knew that's not who I am, he knew I was just stressed. He accepted that it was one of my faults.

He is a great support system. When ever I mentioned quitting school...and yes there were times that I did...he always let me know it wasn't an option. I needed that.

He has let me be a SAHM. Enough said. Some men wouldn't want to sacrifice material things, but he did. In fact, I love that he is the least greedy, materialistic, selfish person I have ever know.

He isn't superficial. I've gained weight in the past 6 years and he has never said anything. He has never make a comment that I wear sweats all day or that I don't wear make up....he has a great way of still making me feel pretty. He tells me everyday...multiple times a day that he loves me.

I love his laugh. He has the most contagious laugh ever. You have no choice but to laugh when he does!

I'm very thankful that I'm the girl that gets to watch him die laughing watching the "office", or scream at the T.V when the Bears lose, or jump up and down watching a Cubs game.

I love that I know without a doubt that he is committed to our family 100%! We are his everything.

Its kind of like that song when the guy is singing about how his wife thinks she's the lucky one, but really he is. Wyatt is always telling me about how he is so lucky to have me, but I think I'm actually the lucky one. :)


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