Thursday, February 11, 2010

Going back to school!?!?!?

Apparently I've lost my mind and I've decided to start school again! I will be starting the MBA program at Ashford University Feb. 23rd!! Less than 2 weeks away! I'm super excited, nervous, scared, anxious, happy, I pretty much felt every emotion about this decision. Wyatt and I really think this is the best decision for our family. I'm not for sure if I'm going to work still. I'm thinking I will keep emailing resumes and filling out applications and if I get a job I'll take it. I figure if I can't handle the stress I can always quit. I would like to get a job so I can pay for part of this while I'm going (keep the student loans down).

The program is really interesting. I'll take 1 class every 6 weeks. Its the accelerated program so they're aren't any breaks of days off. Its all online, but since its an actual University employers will never know I did it all online. I already got the syllabus for my first class, Business Communications. The class basically consist of discussions, a weekly paper, and a final paper. I better get my writing manual out since I'm not the best at grammar! I should be finished May 2011! :-) I think its AWESOME that I will have my MBA by the age of 24 and I have 2 kids! I hope it shows my children that you can do anything you dream of and that you have to overcome obstacles! I just want to make them proud! :)

Anyways....I'm really excited for this new journey if my life and hopefully I'll have good updates! :-)

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