Sunday, February 7, 2010

We have A WALKER!!!!

On Friday (2/5) Collier just took off walking EVERYWHERE! He walked clear from the end of the living room to the kitchen! We couldn't believe it! He's been taking steps for close to a month but he would only take steps (about 7) and then fall to his butt and start crawling. Now he is just walking, walking, and walking! He likes to clap when he walks and of course he has the biggest grin EVER! Its so cute! He looks so little when he walks, I can't believe that Brenna was actually smaller then this and walking!

Hopefully, I can get a good video of him. Of course the minute I get the camcorder (is that what they're still called?) he drops down to his butt and wants to see what Mama has!

He also has another tooth that has popped though and the other top one should be popping through any day! :)

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