Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Some pictures of my babies!

Some more pictures from the 365 project.
Jan. 29th


Jan. 3oth

Sissy get in the kennel!

What Mom? I'm not doing anything to her!

Okay....I'm just teasing!

Alright..I'll get in with her!

Jan. 31st

Mmmmm..these cookies are good aren't they Bub?

Feb. 1st

I was a bad mom and didn't get a picture of Brenna. :( I didn't say the 365 had to be all in a row...haah! She was at school then went grocery shopping with Daddy and I just forgot.

Feb. 2nd

Bubby crawled over to her and just started cuddling. They laid like that for quite awhile! Sooo CUTE!

Feb. 3rd

Sleeping together. Wyatt was in the middle and when he got up Brenna put her arm around Bubs!

Feb. 4th

Brenna ignoring my request for for a picture....stinker!

Feb. 5th

Brenna pretending to be a ballerina...lol!

This would be a SUPER cute picture, except Bubby had just finished eating and has a dirty face!

Feb. 6th

Dirty face in the bathtub!

Brenna in the bathtub! It is becoming next to impossible to take a picture of her!

Feb. 7th

Not cooperating AGAIN with me on the whole picture thing. I think she's sick of it! ;)

Bubby playing the drums!


Brenna coloring online.

Cheez-It Commerical?!?!

Feb. 9th

B playing in the snow with Daddy and Lola.

Mommy trying to get a good picture of Bubs!

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